
11ty & Write.as

This is an app that makes a webpage from the data of an anonymous [Write.as](https://write.as) post by feeding it into [Eleventy](https://11ty.dev), an awesome static site generator! Take a look at the source of the site [right here](https://write.as/c2a8t7c04n83amvl.md) ## Getting Started 1) Remix the app on [Glitch](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/remix/11ty-writeas)! 2) Publish an anonymous post on [Write.as](https://write.as/new) (no sign up needed). It should produce a link like this: https://write.as/c2a8t7c04n83amvl 3) Grab the unique ID at the end of the post's url and add it to the end of the following url: https://write.as/api/posts/{add-id-here} 4) Go to that url. You should see the JSON data of your post. Copy that code and paste it into the ```src/_data/post.json``` file. Feel free to format the file if you like. 5) Refresh the app and you should see your post as a static site! ## Customizing 6) To customize the HTML and make it your own, go to the ```src/_includes/layouts/default.njk``` file and play around with the HTML. Just make sure to keep the __post.data.title__ & __content | safe__ values intact. ## Gratitude Special thanks to [Tom Critchlow](https://tomcritchlow.com) for his website's awesome design. It served as the inspiration for this project. None of it, however, would truly happen without [Zach Leatherman](https://zachleat.com) - thanks for all you do with [Eleventy](https://11ty.dev)!