Journal #10: Recovering, Recovery and Flat line.

I'm not exactly sure what's happening, but I'm more stable, peaceful and accepting of what's about to happen.

Most of the thing that can happen sucks: I can stick around unwanting or I can move away and be hurting. I can work well without progress or work hard for something I'm having immeasurably hard time to do. Basically, I think this is a point where I think my life is in a stalemate.

All I know is I want to be somewhere unfamiliar and some uncharted territory of my life. This one is too familiar and I'm starting not to appreciate what it is anymore. I need danger, risk and the feeling of need of achievement.

Working hard is ok for me, but absolutely no progression is starting to have a weight on my shoulder. My life is not meant for this, I can do so much more.

In other news that's good, I was able to hit most of my goals other than abstinence today, I hope to keep this on a roll.