Journal #8: Four days worth of update

The past week has been a roller coaster. Good and bad, happening here and there and I'm getting tired of internal turmoil and external stress pressing me flat to the core.

The Clock strikes Three

The biggest internal struggle of all is the idea that I want to give up on my relationship. I'm a man that believes strongly that love is a commitment, I don't care if things get shitty, if things turned sour, if you're for me, I will be for you regardless of how I feel. I think I was strong about that, that I wouldn't give up but not until I felt like giving up that I realized, it's not as easy as just going all brains and no heart or balls.

Stocks and Hype

I just attended a Financial seminar discussing stocks and it really helps to know some tips from those that succeeded. Although I know I'd make mistakes, it feels better to be more educated. I'm hyped up to invest more!

Hopefully the landscape of my country in terms of investment gets better. Our President is ruining our promising economy sadly.

Deeper Introspection

Yeah as ironic as this sounds I believe in the authority of the Bible, and I'm attending an introspection seminar that will last for 4 months. This is about my status as a homosexual and to learn what triggered it from the beginning and if I can be cured.

I really do wonder what's gonna happen. Excited to learn more about me, but at the same time I'm scared of the possibility to lose my boyfriend.

But this is what I promised him if we broke up, so I'm pursuing it regardless.

Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 was a pleasant surprise. We went to date on an unusual place today, beyond our safety walls to a more interesting one. He was craving for a brand of wings afar, I was ok to spoil him, so we scheduled an adventure and followed it.

I'm not a movie buff or someone that likes to sit watching the screen, but having an impromptu moment in watching a movie I wasn't hyped for was great. The movie's crass humor was perfect to tickle my funny bone to a disgusting laugh.

As someone that's rarely excited for a movie, watch it if you're for dirty and witty humor.

The first game of Unstable Unicorns

I was so glad the sibling night loved the game. I was scared I just fell in love with it because of the art but it turns out, it really is a great game. What's better than that is my sister-in-law was giggling over the art as much as I am! So it was a perfect buy even for the limited edition version which I was hesitating for.

Spiced Relationship

Yesterday we went on an adventure not many relationships go to and it was spicy af. Could've used a little more intensity but let's just say phsyical means won't be able to handle it.

It wasn't exactly the most well planned of all events as it was an impromptu invitation but I definitely don't regret accepting the offer.

As a couple, what we were expecting at most was a lot of awkward moments with a lot of mistakes ending in just good laughter but surprisingly, the flow was smooth, tiring but it felt great! The chemistry worked so well that it didn't felt like it was our first time.

Overall, as much as I wasn't for it months ago, I would definitely go for it again if asked.