A2Z Challenge for April

A2Z Challenge for April

I figured I'd kick this blog out with the A-to-Z Challenge for April. I'm not real good at posting regularly, so hopefully this will help to kick it off, starting with...


A is for About

My name is Chuck Dee, and you can find me at http://www.chuckdee.net. I also maintain a where to find me page since the G+ shutdown that has a variety of places to find me hanging out.

By trade I'm a software architect, specializing in Microsoft solutions, though I have to dip my feet into other areas as a matter of course. I've been working in the field for many moons but have always had a desire to write, stemming from my love of books and reading. I'd love to become a professional writer, but for now, content myself with freelance work and contests, honing my craft. I've heard it said that when you put pressure on your hobbies to make your living, they cease being your hobbies, but it hasn't proven true with development, so hopefully, it will not prove true for writing.

My genre for writing is Science Fiction/Fantasy, though I often mix it up a bit with other genres. Being a gamer, I also write gaming materials for tabletop roleplaying games.

Other than games, I also collect and build mechanical keyboards, and have a presence in those communities. I am a passingly fair guitarist, pianist, and vocalist. For exercise, I walk, cycle and swim.

On this blog, I hope to ruminate on my writing: goals, excerpts, design notes, and just work on my craft in an open forum. I hope you'll go along with me for the ride!