

(portrayed by Jason Momoa)

Name: Daakon Profession: Warrior/Sentinel/Thief Adjectives: Unrefined, Aggressive, Survivor, Cynical, Independent Drives: Always get out alive, Look out for number one, Word is Bond Allegiances: Commoners: +1, Outlanders: +1, City Watch: -1

Health: 12/Threshold: 4, Morale: 8/Threshold: 3 Armor: 1/Grit: 1

Investigative Abilities

Shared Abilities: Command: 1, Intimidation: 1, Liar's Tell: 1 Sentinel Abilities: Vigilance: 2 Thief Abilities: Ridiculous Luck: 1, Skullduggery: 1 Warrior Abilities: Know Monstrosities: 1, Spot Frailty: 1, Tactics of Death: 1, Wilderness Mastery: 2

General Abilities

Athletics: 8, Bind Wounds: 1, Burglary: 1, Preparedness: 3, Stealth: 3, Sway: 2, Warfare: 12

Minor/Iconic Items

Father's Legionnaire Sword (Obvious, Damage Modifier +2) Very sharp dagger with finger-hilt (Damage Modifier +0) Well-used Bow with very strong pull (Near, Obvious, Damage Modifier +1) Chain Sleeve because he hates armor, but sometimes you have to have something (Acts as Buckler). A Fast Light horse that he stole from caravan owner that wouldn't pay his due. He hasn't named it yet as it hasn't survived long enough. Well used and sweaty leather armor forced on him in the legions, and he gained an appreciation for it (Armor 1)


Daakon was born outside of Sharn, on a nearby farm in Breland. Things became a lot worse for the Brelanders outside the large metropolitan area after the wars- there was a large area to patrol, and more desperate people than there were people to protect the farmland workers from them. Small hamlets in the area started to become too insular to lend aid, so they were on their own.

Daakon's father had been a legionnaire, and though he was trying to put down his sword for a plowshare, realized that not everyone felt that way. In addition to his son's farm chores, he drilled him daily with the old sword that he had left after his muster. In general, his father had a policy that if someone wanted something, he'd give it to them. Too much blood and death during the wars and a real appreciation for the fickle nature of combat had given him that stance.

But some people don't just want to take what they can and move on. Some people thrive on the suffering of others. And by the time his father had seen that in the group, it was too late. He did resist, but that, in the end, didn't help Daakon's mother. While his father was looking to her, he was struck down. Daakon's only salvation was that the man didn't view him as a credible threat. He disabused him of that notion, striking him down with his father's sword. He was 12. His father's last word to him before he expired was, “Survive.” So he did.

From that point on, he put his father's lessons to the test almost daily, practicing the lessons his father had taught him just to survive. Sometimes, when that wasn't enough, he practiced other hard-won skills in the little hamlets, stealing enough to keep him going when the hunting was scarce. In one of these hamlets, he found a recruiting agent for the legions. It was good work, and his belly was full. But he now knew why his father left them behind. But he was a survivor. His father had left him that and the sword that he carried. And he was determined that would always be enough.