Session One – Part Two


In Media Res

Their footsteps rang heavy on the old cobblestone, the combination of musty smells and old foliage surrounding them as they raced into the bare light the luminescent lichen supplied. Callendin held their prize – part of a larger artifact that Baran Shade had required of them. It should have been a time of celebration of a job well done, other than the sounds behind them. Unexpected pursuers that had been waiting for them to exit the long-forgotten halls where their prize had lain.

(Note: OOC Notes will be denoted in italics in parentheses. The GM started the session in media res to get the feel for some of the systems and immediately hook the players in the action, planning to resolve the hows with flashbacks as suggested in the rules. In this case, we will engage the Chase rules. The opposition party consists of 4 brutes – athletics 6 – and a Lieutenant – Athletics 8)

While he's never been this deep into the Undercity before, Baratus is quite familiar with the city's layout, enough to recognize the pattern inherent in the particular series of corridors that race by. “Take a left up ahead,” he calls to the other two, as they try to slip into a corridor off to the side.

(Investigative spend on city's secrets to reduce the difficulty to 1 for the round. Baratus spends 3 Athletics (leaving 5) + 3 = 6. Callendin uses the air to push himself ahead spending 3 Sorcery (leaving 9) + 4 = 7. Daakon races ahead nimbly spending 3 Athletics (leaving 5 + 5 = 8.)

The three companions race ahead, scrambling ably over the cobblestones, turning down a corridor almost hidden in shadows. The hope is that the brutes will pass by. Though the brutes are not particularly versed with this place, their mysterious employer is, and has prepared them with a map of this area.

(Spend 3 Malus to reduce the difficulty to 1 for the round. Each spends 3 athletics, reducing them to 3 for the brutes and 5 for the lieutenant, resulting in totals of 4, 5, 4, 4, and 8.)

One of their pursuers surges ahead of the others, keeping pace with the companions. The others struggle with the turn, even knowing about it, and lag a bit behind.

“Quick,” Callendin said. “This way!” He recognizes a marking on the wall signifying a fork, and creates a quick spark of lightning, hoping that the flash and sound will mask which way they went.

(Investigative Spend City's Secrets from Callendin, with a 5 spend in Sorcery (leaving 4) – for the flash/chase – Total difficulty is now 1+2 = 3, and total roll is 5 (spend) + 5 = 10. Baratus spends 1 Athletics (leaving 4) + 5 = 6. Daakon Spends 1 Athletics also (leaving 4) + 2 = 3.)

The flash goes off, causing a raucous noise behind them, as the brutes stumble through the sudden glare.

(Each Brute spends 2 Athletics (leaving 1), and the lieutenant spends 3 (leaving 2), resulting in 4,5,4,7,6 – 3 brutes drop out)

Over the sound of lightning, the companions hear the confusion Callendin's move caused, and realize after the din dies down that the shadow of only two pursuers is visible in the dim light.

“We have the odds,” Daakon says, lagging a little behind the others. “We should take them.”

“The artifact,” Callendin responds, his cloak flapping eerily in the wind he was generating to boost him along. “That's our primary concern.”

“But Shade will want to know who else knows about the ... thing,” Daakon shot back, slowing.

Callendin sighed, knowing he wouldn't sway the big man. “Fine. This is on your head.” He moved to the side of the corridor, following Baratus' lead as Daakon moved a bit further down the corridor.

(Though the Brutes will be startled at the end of the chase, the GM rules that there is no surprise. He does let them know that they will only have a couple of rounds before it's likely the others will join. He also rules that Daakon will go first. He tags Callendin for the next action.)

Daakon charges forward, catching the brute lieutenant just as he comes into view. Taking his sword in two hands, he brings it up under the man's guard, into a diagonal slice.

(Warfare 4 + 5 = 9 which exceeds the Health Threshold 4 = 9. Damage = 1d6 (min 4) + 1d6 + 1 = 4 + 5 + 1 = 10, which is enough to drop the Brute)

The sharp blade slices through the man's chest and face, blood following the path of the blade as it glints in the bare light.

(Daakon turns the next action over to Callendin, who designates the brute for the next action.)

“You know you're next, right?” he says to the lone standing brute. “If you surrender, I might be able to keep him from killing you.”

(Wanting to test both systems of combat, Callendin uses Sway 4 – leaving 1 for possible morale tests. He rolls 4 + 4 = 8, which exceeds the brutes Morale Threshold of 3 by 5 for a critical hit. Damage = 1d6 (min 4) + 1d6 + 1 = 5 + 1 + 1 = 7, which is enough to demoralize the brute)

The man, suddenly realizing that he's alone as he sees Daakon cut down his leader drops his blade. It rings on the ground as he drops to his knees, a pitiful look in his eyes.

(With it getting late, we stop here, and the GM rules that the other brutes see what's occurred and run off into the darkness. The one thing that we note is that combat is deadly, and going first is definitely more important here than it might be elsewhere. It was fun, fast, and the rules made sense. Some things the GM isn't sure were done right, but it was fun and moved the plot along, so we judge it a good night. It was a good intro to the system involved, and we look forward to getting into the meat of the adventure in the next session.)