Friday 1 January New Years Day 2021
I didn't stay up to see in the New Year, Gina rang me, then I watched a DVD and then read my book in bed and decided to just go to sleep. Woke up and its the New Year. Had a nice Skype with Martine and Min. Walked to Sainsbury for a couple of bits and then drove up to Handcross to have a socially distanced walk in the countryside with Sarah. It was a dry walk – no mud – and there was a little wintry shower which stopped pretty quick. We did about an hour and a quarter, it was flipping cold.
Natalie has had a notification that she needs to self isolate from the NHS app – she thinks it was someone from work, who has since tested positive. I messaged her this afternoon to see how she was, and she has coldy symptoms, all bunged up with a cough, a headache and the lemon cake tasted weird. They've been for a covid test and now are waiting for the result. I haven't seen her so I am safe. Well as safe as can be anyway.
She seems to be taking some naughty pleasure in the fact Katie is quite poorly. The GP has provided her with a sats machine to measure her oxygen levels and apparently she has some discomfort in breathing. The grandmother has taken the girls to the shops today despite the fact the girls shouldn't even be with the grandmother let alone be taken out to the shops.
I've made some more progress with the 2nd balcony blanket and this needs to be finished before I make a decision about a crocheted baby blanket – this baby will have so many blankets!