
Diabetes: Smart Socks Designed To Prevent Ulcers

A few days before World Diabetes Day, November 14, an American start-up unveils an innovation aimed at preventing amputation in patients, caused by foot ulcers, one of the main complications of diabetes. These connected socks measure the temperature of the feet in real time.

Every year in the United States, 100,000 diabetic patients have to be amputated because of poorly treated ulcers. In France, there are 10 times less, with 10,000 amputations performed.

Foot injuries are particularly dangerous for people with diabetes, as poor blood flow prevents the wound from healing properly and can lead to infection or gangrene. A small injury caused by a blister due to the friction of a new shoe, a badly cut nail or a hardwood can lead to a complication.

For example, it is estimated that 15% of diabetic patients are at risk of amputation in the event of an ulcer.

An American start-up, Siren care, has tackled this problem by developing connected socks, capable of measuring the temperature of the feet in real time and thus preventing amputations of the lower limbs.

Specifically, sensors have been integrated into the sock fabric to make the measurement more accurate, and alert the patient, via an application, in case of inflammation of the skin.

Clinical trials are planned with UCSF University in San Francisco, but the start-up has already launched a commercialization of the product by offering its diabetic dress socks in packs of 7, for each day of the week, in presale on its website, for $120.

With 30 million Americans with diabetes, the disease is one of the three diseases that kill the most people with cancer and heart disease. In France, in 2013, more than 3 million people with diabetes were taking medication for diabetes, or 4.7% of the population. In addition, there are people with diabetes who do not know, about 700,000 people according to the Invs (National Institute for Health Watch).

Epidemic is now being referred to as global figures change: THE World Health Organization (WHO) predicts 622 million people worldwide by 2040. Overweight, obesity, lack of physical activity are the main factors causing the disease.

The awareness of the seriousness of the epidemic led the United Nations to declare 14 November each year “United Nations World Diabetes Day”.

What is the Pain of the Calcaneal Spine? Pain and discomfort with the walking of calcane spines is a common reason for medical consultation. Located on the bone that makes up the heel of the foot, this pain is related to the tension of the arch and prevents it from sagging.

What are the signs of this pathology, Doctor?

People with this condition sometimes describe this pain as a strong feeling of warmth in the heel. The pain usually appears as soon as you get up in the morning, when you stand up. The pain tends to subside or even disappear after a certain amount of walking and activity. But it often reappears vividly and acutely, as soon as walking or activity is resumed after a certain period of rest.

This pain can be along the inner edge or up the inner side of the calcaneus by 1 cm or even 2 cm. The pain can be felt in the inner plantar and/or in the middle of the heel. Podiatrists say there is a “trigger point” of pain. The point is located in the extension of the internal malleole beyond the inner edge of the heel about 1 cm in plantar. This pressure is exerted just at the aponeurotic attachment. You have to put your foot and toes in dorsiflexion; strong pressure recreates the pain.

The diagnosis is essentially clinical, hence the need to consult your treating physician, in the face of disabling pain in the heel, which does not pass. On examination, a strong pressure of the thumb on the center of the heel will awaken the pain. The pain obtained by applying strong pressure with the finger along the entire inner edge of the fascia with the dorsal bending foot confirms the presence of associated inflammation (“fasciitis”).

Although the evidence of a calcaneal spine visible on X-rays confirms the diagnosis, a normal X-ray will not eliminate a calcaneal spine at its onset. Calcaneal spurs rarely are fuzzy and show a simple fluffy-looking bone deformation that can direct other inflammatory problems such as ankylosing Spondylitis or Rheumatoid Arthritis or even a Drop.

However, these inflammatory joint diagnoses can usually be distinguished from local causes of heel pain, by the presence of local heat and swelling more or less marked.

How to treat this pathology? First of all, some preventive measures are needed: The following tips will prevent the onset of plantar fasciitis and its recurrence, as well as the Lenoir spine that may be associated with it.

Do regular exercises to relax the Achilles tendon as well as the calf and foot muscles and be careful when playing sports. In addition to proper footwear, it is important to consider the following recommendations: Doing stretching and warm-up exercises before any physical activity is a little demanding and prolonged.

Gradually increase distances when jogging.

Avoid running for long on sloping terrain, on hard (asphalt) or uneven surfaces. Prefer, if possible, dirt roads.

Respect his need for rest.

Wear shoes that support the arch and absorb shocks depending on the type of work or physical activity.

Replace your shoes at the first sign of wear. As for running shoes, they need to be renewed, as the pads wear out.

Avoid standing for too long, especially if you are wearing hard-soled shoes. Medical treatments Treatments almost always work well, but it can take several months to achieve a full recovery application of ice Apply a bag of ice to relieve inflammation for 5 to 15 minutes. Avoid applying the bag directly to the skin. Settle down so that the feet are higher than the body. The best time to apply ice is at the end of the day or after physical activity.


The general practitioner, podiatrist (podiatrist) or physiotherapist may recommend stretching exercises of the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia, which promotes both healing and prevention of recurrence.


Place a tissue on the floor, then grasp it with your toes. Do this several times. Place a bottle or tennis ball under the arch. Once the pain has subsided, it is a matter of rolling a golf ball directly under the heel.

Put a towel under your foot as if you were holding it in a scarf, then lengthen the leg while holding the towel securely. Pull on the towel to bring the foot back to you, then release.


Stand in front of a wall at a distance of about 60 cm. Then lay the palms of your hands against the wall. Then do the next two exercises one after the other and several times

Foot Pillow Heel Protector

While flexing the left leg forward, slide the right foot backwards, keeping it completely on the foot pillow heel protector. Fold the knee so that it is aligned with the toes to stretch the Achilles tendon. Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Diabetics: Keep An Eye On Your Feet

According to the Federation of Diabetics”between 2000 and 2009, the prevalence rate of diabetes in USA has continued to increase. It has even progressed faster than expected. In 2009, it was estimated that more than 3.5 million people were affected.”

With blood sugar remaining too high(hyperglycemia)in the long run, this can lead to damage to the nerves and arteries of the lower limbs causing complications in the feet.

This problem is the leading cause of amputation (excluding accidents) with 8,000 cases per year in

5-10% of diabetics have or will have their toe, foot or leg amputated. These complications, as with most complications of diabetes, develop without any symptoms at first.

Even if you don't feel anything, it is therefore important to carry out regular medical follow-up of your feet in order to detect the appearance of complications and to limit their aggravation, thanks to appropriate management. Balanced diabetes helps to limit the risk of developing these complications.

sensitivity to the feet is the most common symptom of diabetic neuropathy.

The sensations of hot, cold and pain fade. The position of the foot when walking is not always felt. The weight can be worn over more fragile areas and can lead to significant deformations.

Neuropathy also makes the skin of the feet drier, thinner and more fragile, which promotes the appearance of sores.

“A minor problem at first is likely to get worse because it went unnoticed and has not been treated”

Diabetes promotes the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries of the lower limbs and helps to form the atheroma plaque. In this case, there is difficult circulation of blood in the legs and feet. Pain or cramps appear when walking.

Examine your feet

Look for possible lesions (sores or ulcers, blisters, crevices), signs of infection or deformities of the toes; nails, to check if they are not too long and thus avoid injuring other toes, or too short, which may promote an ingrown nail; to spot a possible dryness and thinness of the skin that weakens it, the presence of redness or horn (sign of friction or marked support).

Your doctor may also refer you to a podiatrist.

He carries out the necessary care and explains what you can do to protect your feet.

At the end of the consultation, he assesses the risk of injury to your feet, which translates into a grade (grade 0 – no injury – at grade 3 when the lesions are significant).

Health Insurance reimburses the care prescribed by the doctor and performed by a podiatrist for grade 2 lesions (up to 4 sessions per year) and 3 (up to 6 sessions per year).

How do you take care of your feet on a daily basis?

It is possible to take daily action to reduce the risk of complications to the feet. In particular, it is advisable to:

Make a very careful toilet of the feet It is recommended to wash your feet every day with lukewarm water, using a mild soap, and to dry them well, especially between the toes, with delicacy. To avoid ingrown nails, you can cut (or have your nails cut) (square, with slightly rounded corners). A moisturizer can also reduce dry skin. Protecting your feet from injury, temperature variations and friction It is recommended never to walk barefoot (including on the carpet, poolside or at the beach). Sandals don't always protect your feet enough.

Suitable shoes

It is essential that your shoes are adapted: your doctor or podiatrist advises you to buy comfortable, flexible and wide shoes. It's best to buy your shoes at the end of the day when your feet are swollen. Shoes that are closed and respect the curve of the arch (without a high heel) are recommended. Before putting your shoes on, put your hand inside to make sure there are no pebbles or objects that could injure your feet.

If you have new shoes, it is best not to wear them too long the first few days.

The choice of socks is also important. Natural fibre socks (cotton, wool, Scottish yarn) are preferred. Thick socks protect the feet, especially when it's cold (including at night). In order not to interfere with the circulation of blood, it is best not to wear tights or stockings that are too tight at the toes.

Watch out for burns

It is advisable to avoid putting your feet in direct contact with a heat source (boiler, radiator, etc.). If you have a decrease in sensitivity, you may not feel the burns.

If you expose your feet to the sun, don't forget sunscreens to avoid sunburn.

In case of injury:

It is advisable to wash the wound with clear water, disinfect with a sterile compress and apply a colourless disinfectant that shows the appearance of the wound. Due to the fragility of the skin, a little adhesive dressing is preferred (dry sterile compress, paper sparadrap, non-elastic fabric band). Also avoid piercing the bulbs.

Care for your feet on a daily basis:

Especially do not use scissors, blades, or coricides to remove the horn (corns, hardwoods, horn. A greasy moisturizer or Vaseline should be applied daily to prevent this horn from reproducing or cracking. Remove the horn after washing the feet (then softer) with non-aggressive instruments, pumice stone or small electric battery wheel (found in the pharmacist or in mail order catalogues).

Do not cut your nails too short, do not go to the sides, use round-toed scissors, and do not hesitate to resort to pedicure-podo.

To avoid fungus,wash your feet every day and dry them well between your toes, change diabetics socks regularly and put on closed “Charentaise” style slippers when arriving home. In case of fungus, prefer an anti-mycosic powder and avoid creams or gels that promote maceration.

How To Easily Order Diabetic Supplies Online?

People that are suffering from an illness called diabetes can order many of their supplies online. In fact, just about every kind of tool and accessory that you will ever need to manage your diabetes is available online. The best thing about getting the items online is that the items are shipped right to your door. You can order things such as insulin and all the testing supplies that you will ever need. Online suppliers are making the way people manage their diabetes a lot easier and less complicated.

Having diabetes is one of the most expensive illnesses that anyone can ever have. Ordering your supplies online can help down on costs because the shipping is free with just about every supplier, and many of the sellers and suppliers online offer discounts to their customers. The most common supplies that people are ordering online right now are insulin, syringes, syringe disposals, prep wipes (alcohol), test strips, logbooks, carrying cases, Sacro Back Support Pillow and metes.

When you have diabetes, it is important that you skip as many sweets as possible. That is very hard for many people to do. You can find many things such as sugar-free candies, sugar-free foods, sugar-free cake mixes and frosting, sugar-free pancake mix, as well as many other things. You should also take care of your foot when you are suffering from diabetes such as diabetic dress socks.

You can find tons of useful information, such as diabetic tips and different ways to keep healthy while trying to manage your diabetes. Many of the online suppliers also handle all the hard work when it comes to working with insurance companies and Medicare. Another plus about getting your diabetic supplies online is that you never have to wait in line at the pharmacy again. You simply log onto the computer that is usually in the comfort of your own home and order the supplies that you need.

How Edema Slippers Are Beneficial For Diabetic Patient

There is a particular type of slipper worn by diabetics; theses are, obviously, known as diabetic slippers such as men's open toe edema slippers. They work to prevent potential slipping through a wide bottom and non-slip sole, which is important when you consider the numbness brought on by neuropathy. In order to prevent diabetic ulcers, they are composed of a very soft material that wraps around the foot in a seamless construction that is designed to prevent rubbing.

Preventing diabetic foot problems is one of the most important parts of diabetes treatment, and below you will find four reasons why diabetic slippers are an important part of that prevention.

Many people do not wear properly fitted shoes or socks.

Diabetics suffer from an impaired ability to heal when compared to non-diabetics, so it is important to avoid constant chafing, as it can result in skin breakdown and open wounds. Potential infections, which are quite likely in diabetics, could lead to serious problems down the line.

One of the primary foot-related complications of diabetes is called diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Walking becomes more difficult when you have neuropathy because the numbness makes it much more difficult to tell whether you are walking on something or whether the terrain is even. The no-skid soles and wide bottoms that you normally find on diabetic slippers are put there in order to help make walking easier.

Advantages of Pullover Sports Bra over Traditional One

Usually, people consider that the pullover sports bra is just for sportswomen. But this is not true! Mostly, girls and women consider that sports bra is for those who are associated with physical activity and sports. But, according to the doctors, every girl or woman should wear a pullover sports bra every day, even if you are not indulged in a heavy workout. Here, we are going to describe a few benefits of wearing thee sports bra:

Offer Full Comfort The good –quality sports bra provide good support to your breast. The pullover sports bra can efficiently handle the movement of your breast as compared to the traditional bra. The sports bra offers more comfort and helps to hold the breast firmly in place.

Reduce Breast pain Whenever you move, then the muscle ligament in the breast will also move up, down, and sideways. Sometimes, heavy movement results in pain. The Camisole pullover bra ensures that muscle will not move too much, and there will be no pain.

Reduce Long-Term Sagging The traditional bras do not provide good support and lead to a huge movement of breasts. This results in sagging! The best way to avoid sagging is to wear a pullover sports bra.

These are a few top benefits of a pullover sports bra.