
The pain won’t go away.

Akito was supposed to be delighted over Kohane’s growth. Under the guidance of the old man whose name he didn’t even bother trying to remember, Kohane had improved a lot. Her singing was impeccable. Her footwork was great. Her stage presence was unmatched. She seemed more comfortable and confident in presenting her footwork, and it was nice. Akito was glad for her. She radiated warmth on stage, something that the rest of the VBS members didn’t have, and it was reassuring that Kohane was there to fill in the gap.

There was a pang on his chest.

Even as he mustered up the most genuine smile he could ever-present, the pain was still throbbing in his chest.

Seeing Azusawa Kohane, a pipsqueak who used to not have any specific dreams to pursue, had caught up so fast–it was almost terrifying–was hard.

Yet, no matter how many times Akito tried to hate Kohane, he couldn’t. Not when the same pipsqueak he used to belittle was simply a genuine hardworking girl who was willing to do whatever it takes to catch up to them.

Not when she was undeniably adorable, no matter how much he hated to admit this. When she smiled and her eyes formed into a crescent moon, Akito could swear that his heart did a thing, and his stomach flipped upside down in the best way possible.

Akito was no stranger to this kind of feeling, but this shouldn’t have been possible in the first place. Why must it be her of all people? She–whose figure was so small she reminded him of a hamster. She–who refused to meet her in the eyes. She–who would get awkward and stutter whenever they were left alone. She–Azusawa Kohane–who had the talent that he’d always wanted.

How in the heck did he fall for her? And why?

#akikoha #prskfics