hifugen (host! 🥂 x phantom thief! 📚);

Gentaro woke up with cold sweat streaming down his face. His whole body trembling with fear, and his heart beating so quick it was almost as if it could jump out from its cage.

It wasn’t the first time he felt this way. In fact, it’s the third time already. For the past three days, he had been dreaming of something—no, someone—slipping from his fingertips. It was always the same scenery. He was walking with Hifumi, trotting along the path of the flower garden with fingers intertwined when suddenly the scenery changed and then they were at the tip of a cliff. The road was slippery enough for Hifumi to lose his balance. Unfortunately, Gentaro was not fast enough to catch Hifumi’s hand and just like that, Hifumi fell then... died in the most obscure way, ever.

He completely knew his time with Hifumi was fleeting; for a number one host being together with a phantom thief was simply… wrong. Both of them were idolized by many people, and nobody wouldn’t like that. Sure, Gentaro could care less about his so-called-fans, but what about Hifumi? If Hifumi ended up losing his customers, it’d be a huge deal for him, right? He certainly didn’t want to hurt his beloved’s career.

Even now, he still wonders what was exactly the reason Hifumi accepted him the way he is. Is he just a fun game to play with? Or is he something else? He doesn’t know.

(—and at this point, he’s too afraid to ask.)

One thing for sure is,

Izanami Hifumi is here.

He is sleeping right beside him; alive and breathing.

And, for now, he shall enjoy this fleeting moment before it ends.
