hifugen breaking up (🥂📚) ;

“I thought I was the disgusting one. But maybe, you’re the disgusting one instead, Izanami-san.”

It felt like stabbing a knife through someone’s chest, piercing the beating heart, until the blood splattered out, painting the white ground red. Yet at the same time, it felt like he was the one being stabbed on the chest too, his fingers gripping against the handle tight as the tip buried against his skin.

Saying the word didn’t bring him happiness. It didn’t even bring him relief. It still hurt, and even more when the big grin slowly faded from Hifumi’s face, replaced with a mix of pain and confusion painting his face. It felt like forever until Hifumi opened his mouth, and when he did, no words left his mouth. His gaze shifted into the ground and after a few seconds, he stared back at Gentaro and pursed his lips.

“Yeah.” His voice was soft. “I understand.”

Hifumi’s voice was the softest he has ever heard, and Gentaro could feel a sudden wave of guilt washed over him. The host’s voice wasn’t even this soft back on their first date or when they shared their first kiss. Without his suit, Hifumi is usually a loud, boisterous, and energetic man. The very embodiment of a ball of sunshine, really. Despite their initial impression with each other wasn’t all that good and they bickered a lot, it’s pretty much obvious how the older man dotes on him and has a soft spot on him. He knew, he completely knew, how Hifumi was head on heels over him. It just felt wrong, even more so when the quality of softness in Hifumi’s voice was different.

Hifumi sounded like he was defeated.

“I won’t bother you anymore then,” he added.

– Yet, oddly enough, Gentaro didn’t feel like he was the winner himself.
