saomari + backstage;

Saori’s heart wouldn’t stop thrumming in her chest. No matter how many times they’ve performed, it was always nerve-wracking to present herself before so many audiences. Saori took a deep breath. In and out. Few times.


That was Marika’s voice calling out to her. Saori turned her head, and even underneath the dimmed light, she could still see how a gentle smile bloomed on the brunette’s lips. That one smile that never failed to wash her anxiety away, almost like magic.

“It’s okay. It’ll be okay, Saorin. Believe in Marika. Alright?” Marika whispered in her ears. Her voice was soothing and her gentle pat on the back was reassuring as always, but it didn’t—couldn’t—stop her heart to thrum in her chest like it was beating in her throat.

Not when Marika sneaked a peck on her lips as she proceeded to walk on stage, leaving Saori by herself with a face as red as a boiled lobster.

#saomari #d4djfics