shinonomes + hurt/comfort;

Ena's cries are blaring. It isn't as blaring as the thunder outside, but it's loud and long enough worth years of their damaged relationship.

In between her tears, Ena managed to croak out an apology, “I'm sorry.”

There is a long, brief silence after that. Neither said anything, only the sound of rain pouring down outside and Ena's cries filling the silence.

Akito is crying too. He isn't a crybaby like he used to be in the past, he's learned to cry in silence. Therefore, even if tears welled up in his eyes and finally, finally, those tears began trickling down his face, he is still calm.

Even then, he could feel a pain in his chest, and it's throbbing. Hard.

“I'm sorry for leaving you, Akito,” Ena croaks out again. Akito stayed silent then, but he's feeling so much better now. Just like how the rain has started to clear up and a rainbow painted the blue sky, it also symbolizes a new beginning for their relationship.

“It's okay. I'm sorry for not being by your side enough, onee-chan.”

#shinonomes #prskfics