Day 2 of the virus study

Day 1 was spent trying to find a connection and the origin of the virus.

Below is the link to the thread.

It is 99% confirmed that the corona virus is from the horseshoe bats and they carry 40-50 viruses. As stated in the other thread, the horseshoe bats survive on the insects like flies, beetle, a few other insects. They also have a immune system that fight these viruses.. the bats can generate heat upto 100 deg during flight and this could be building the immune system. Humans cannot even think of doing this due to the high levels of haemoglobin. The humans can build a immune system by staying fit. However, this may not be applicable to everyone. One other aspect to look at the intake and how the bats are able to survive. They can eat 1k insects in an hour. This includes the flies and beetles.

The one thing that stands out is the dung beetle which also has a better immune system. The dung beetle is very effective for grazing and can bury upto to 200 times its own weight into the soil. The dung beetle per reports are of several types.. the dung beetle have been very effective in farm lands as they have taken away the need for fertilizers. They work through the cow dung and can bury upto 200 times their weight into the soil. This is saving farmers a lot of money and also saving the animals and kill the parasites. The dung beetle take upto to 6 weeks to become an adult. The mother lays the eggs in the dung and rolls them into the soil. The lavae is able survive and is protected inside the dung. This is a beautiful evolution and dung beetle can survive any kind of bacteria or fungi.

The Lifestyle and Host Defense Mechanisms of the Dung Beetle, Euoniticellus intermedius was a interesting read.

The E. Intermedius is the other name for the beetle. There aren’t enough studies about the immune system of the Dung beetle. It would be good to see if there is a research or studies related to the corona virus and the dung beetle. The dung beetle is able to fight other bacteria. my lack of knowledge in the area and the different terms used in the study is a little difficult to digest.. To speak in layman terms, Cantharidin is a substance derived from another type of beetle and the chinese have used this in ancient medicine for thousand of years. It’s reported that the substance was used to cure

warts. However this can be fatal if swallowed or used without supervision:

One might be wondering why I’m interested in horseshoe bats and then the dung beetle. There may or maybe any link/ connection..

The horseshoe bats survive on the insects and beetle could be helping these bats fight the viruses or trouble flight maybe only way the bats are able to survive with the viruses.

One interesting fact that came to limelight is the cow dung. This is t source for the dung beetle and no wonder some in India are taking it seriously and have participated in a cow dung party.. A group also drank cow urine thinking that it will cure them of the virus.. the one missing part is the dung beetle that may or may not in the same cow dung. Even if it’s present, the virus is not going to be eliminated by the dung beetle.. If someone is cured of the virus by rubbing cow dung then that would be a miracle.

Per earlier research, the substance derived from the beetle can be fatal to humans.. however, it would be good if virologists and pathologists look into the immune system of the dung beetle and how it reacts if the corona virus is injected through the experiments.

The predicted immune genes found in Euonoticellus intermedius from

earlier research is as follows:

As per the National Research Foundation.

” There is some evidence of OBP involvement in insect immunity, but this is poorly defined (Levy et al. 2004). OBPs have been identified in normal haemolymph of T. molitor with no clear function except their potential to transport small hydrophobic molecules to tissues (Graham et al. 2003). In Drosophila, an OBP was found to be upregulated upon fungal infection and repressed by bacterial infection, suggesting an important role for these in immune response (Levy et al. 2004). Three protein spots were predicted to be differentially expressed OBPs, but only one of these was up-regulated upon fungal infection. The presence of multiple spots predicted to be OBPs suggests existence of different forms of the protein. The significance of the contiguous polyadenylation signals is currently not clear.“


There is no evidence or scientific research to prove anything quoted here as true. These are personal views and only an attempt to find some similarities.