Empathy & Compassion

Woke up this morning with news that Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide. This was shocking news for many have decided to take a break from SM platforms for at-least a day.. The actor hasn’t left a suicide note and no one knows the actual reason for his death..

Sushant Singh Rajput was an actor who had a big heart.. I remember an incident when someone tagged him on Insta and asked him for help... He donated 1 crore INR (10 million) towards the relief fund.. there are several other incidents.. He was a talented actor and I personally loved watching his movies.. The world will miss him. RIP Sushant!!

I’m also leaving a link to YouTube playlist here..


The Crisis at hand

There is definitely a crisis at hand and sooner we acknowledge and realized that, it could help someone.. The Mental health crisis is difficult to handle. There are individuals and organizations who are trained to provide the needed help for someone going through a difficult stage in life. However there is a fear or concern that people may not understand or judge them for the decisions they made. It is also not a simple solution.. Each and every case is different and needs to be tackled differently.. A wrong diagnosis or path could lead to a even worse situation. I saw someone suggest that mental health professionals should start making videos and share those online as it could help someone get through the difficult phase. It may be short term solution. However it is not just their responsibility.. many people are trained but they may not have the license or certification to help others.. the

field is complicated and many folks have to go through rigorous training and need to certify and renew the certifications every couple of years.. what worked a few years ago may or may not be relevant in the current context.

The Triggers?

The trigger could depend on several factors.. it is not the same and will vary from person to person. Every person has gone through some stress in life but how we cope with a certain situation is not going to work for another stress factor. Personally, I’ve had issues with a lot of things.. I don’t want to judge others or make their cause less important.. Here are few triggers for me:


Political views

Social well being

I’m an emotional person and it breaks my heart to see people struggle or when I'm unable to help the people. I have difficultly expressing certain things even though I'm very vocal on SM. The reason I’m sharing this is to let people know that it’s ok to express their views, feelings regardless of the platform.. There is also a fear that others who have a different view point may target or blackmail the individual(s). This is the worst kind of harassment and targeting.. The political masters or the influential people can use such tactics to get something done. Many individuals are silent and not able to speak up because of this reason. If someone is going through this stress, then it’s not easy for them..

This is not the end of the world.. Please know that there is someone available to talk or help us out. Seeking help maybe the last resort but it's still fine. Depending on the country\place we live, the options available could be limited..

If you are in the US, you can always reach-out to the below helpline:


If someone is in INDIA, they can reach-out to the helpline(s):


**The Environment**

The environment around us is very important.. If one doesn’t feel comfortable around a group of people or if the political environment doesn’t allow people to express their views or feelings freely then there could be a feeling of being alone.. In india, the last few years have been difficult for people who had a different view point.. Some people may not agree to this and that’s where we need to start.. If you are in the majority or are considered the privileged then it’s time to step out of that comfort zone..

In the last year itself, there have been several incidents.. Let’s talk about something that has affected me personally and I'm going to leave this here as I know others have been affected as well.,

Abrogation of article 370.


This entire abrogation was a difficult one for many political activists.. The entire state of Jammu & Kashmir was shutdown and overnight the article 370 was deemed invalid.. It took several years to get here.. a section of the media and RW kept pushing their propaganda.. without even thinking how it would affect the people, they supported the decision of the Indian government.. This was also passed through the parliament. The people were kept in a lockdown and movement of goods or acces to basic serevives were denied. The people of Kashmir still do not have decent Internet connectivity.. the Medical services, the educational institutions, businesses were affected due to the lockdown imposed by the government. The people are trying to manage with whatever they could gather but there is a constant pressure to neglect or deny people their right.. Ask if this is justified? There are many in the state who are depressed and going through the most difficult phase. There is a mental and emotional stress that they have to deal with. Many are struggling financially coz the businesses and livelihoods were impacted.

CAA & Delhi Pogrom

The Delhi riots was the repeat of what the country experienced in 2002 and 1992. There was complete failure and people from a minority community were targeted. The CAB was made a law through the parliament.. This was the second such judgment/decision that was normalized as legal. The Peaceful protests by individuals were turned into political game for the RW army. The leaders along with the supporters pushed their agenda and made the protests look like an Anti-India program. The most peaceful protest of recent times was the Shaheen Bagh sit-in. The protest against CAA is be a badge of honor. The activists and like minded folks who raised their voice against CAA also should be commended. As there were protests across the country, the RW army and their supporters unleashed the most barbaric attack on the community. The administration and the Police force should have been with the people instead they targeted the citizens. The way the investigation was handled by the Delhi police is a shame to the country.. Even today, the Delhi police is going after the activists who lend their voice or spoke against the CAA law. The fact-finding committee that was formed now blames the Muslim community.. This committee along with the Delhi police made it look like the problem was started by a community and also want to show the world that they did an investigation. If a 5th grader had investigated the case, then he/she would do a better job.. The people who have suffered are now made criminals and are being targeted..

*How does one justify such things and let the authorities target innocent lives?


The Lock-down*

The Lock-down was a necessary measure.. Few countries even went a step further and provided a stimulus package to the citizens.. It was a temporary relief but averted a disaster. People would have taken the extreme step(if not). However, the way countries like INDIA implemented the lock down shows how unprepared they are when it comes to crisis management. It was complete chaos and unscientific measures were pushed.. The Banging of plates and lighting the Diya's was pushed as measure to keep the virus away.. The world once commended INDIA for their talent and medical research.. Being an Indian, it is a shame that the country that one was proud of pushed such unscientific measures and kept on denying the problem. The situation is so worse that there are more than 10k new cases.. If the lock-down was implemented with help from experts in the field then we would have been in a better situation.. The most affected were the migrant workers who lost everything and had to live their places of work. They were neglected by the employers, governments and people.. Personally, this migrant crisis was a trigger and at one point, I even questioned my own existence. There were individuals on the ground trying to help in anyway they could.. This was the most difficult phase and one way to cope with that was provide the support the individuals. This lockdown has taken away the livelihood and there is uncertainty.. People like us can still bounce back. However, the poor and those who lost everything wont be able to survive.. The failure to acknowledge the crisis at hand is the most cruel thing we could do.. Thinking everything is alright is nauseating. Those who dont see this human crisis are the most vile individuals. The lock down was also a way to target or silence the individuals. The activists and volunteers are booked under draconian laws and are being silenced.

When we talk about mental health, we need to also look at the triggers and political environment they are in.. Certain decisions\laws taken could be directly impacting the people. It is only inhumane to turn a blind eye and think that everything is normal. It is possible to help someone with limited resources but one needs to be genuine and need to show compassion and empathy. Get help, reachout for help are only going to make sense if we are genuine and build a trust around the people.. The most difficult part is reaching out to someone.. We shouldn't our thoughts/views or the environment we are in be an hindrance for others.
*Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire human race


