How does CAA affect Indian Muslims?

This is a great question..

The superstar Rajnikant recently said that he supports CAA and will be the first to object if muslims are ever persecuted.. thank you Rajni but no thanks... you can keep that yourself and maybe it will work in movies.. It was also nice to see your stand. Few of us know where we stand.. no more thailava.. you may have other supporters who will still call you thailava.. for us, it is clear and we don’t even want to call you by that name.. you will be surprised to know that there are still people living in south India who haven’t watched a single rajni movie. Maybe they were right.. They knew something was wrong with the thailava and never entertained or called you with that name.. Anyway, that was your view and we also have our view... someday when it makes sense, please do come back and apologize for making that claim.. until then no more thailava..

Coming back to CAA, there is this wonderful question being asked.. how is this going to affect Indian muslims? IMO, it is a kind of click-bait approach.. People are asked this question and they hope the others especially people from the Muslim community will fall for that?

Lets start with what the home minister has said in the past.. He has made his intentions clear in interviews and campaigns and there is enogh evidences to prove that NRC will be implemented.. Look at the detention centers being constructed in differentstates.. there is one on the outskirts of Bangalore, there is one being built in Bihar and there is already one in Assam, there were plans to build detentions centers in Bengal and Rajastan and are currently on hold. It will be a joke if people justify this as well. The NRC effort in Assam was a farce.. the IT giant Wipro limited provided the software services for the Assam NRC. It can be simple question to this company on the scalability part? Did they only help with the software services for only Assam? The company has been called out by individuals already.. if not Wipro, someone else would have received the contract.

The Assam NRC effort made 1.9 million people illegal. If we look at the numbers, the majority people who have been classified as undocumented are from the Hindu community.. There was also cost involved for the NRC effort in Assam. This is a perfect case too, the government is using the excuse that they are doing this based on the SC order.. The Assam NRC sounds all legal and now they have created a mess.. there is even BJP state leaders unhappy with the NRC effort and want the government to take exceptions or push it further before implementing it.. on the ground, there are volunteers and lawyers working hard to help with the documentation efforts. There is real panic out there and a few have even take the extreme step.. the question to ask is how does the government get out of this mess? The SC can ask on what the government plans to with the undocumented people that were identified through the Assam NRC effort..

The home minister and his crooked politics cannot be taken lightly. There were reasons why he kept saying that after CAA, there will be NRC. This was an also an attempt to justify using CAA with the Assam NRC effort. Out of the 1.9 million people identified in Assam, there are people from other communities. There are poor among them and don’t even know where the documents are.. some have even served the country in the past. And then there are also people from Muslim community in this. Some do not have documents to prove as they may have lost those in the floods. The state has seen the worst floods in the last decade or so. The question to ask is do we not see Indian muslims? The 1.9 million people can apply for citizenship. Per citizenship act, we should grant citizenship regardless of the the religion.. however, if the stationed officer has to follow the citizenship criteria based on CAA. The only people that would be eligible would be those Hindus and the rest of the minorities but not the muslims. They won’t be able to receive the citizenship even though they were part of the country and may have moved to Assam.. they will have to kept in detention centers..

The home minister should have apologized and resigned from his post for the mess he created and also for the fear mongering.. if tha leader from the UPA governmen has done something like that, the country would stand united and made sure he resigned. Did we even ask him to apologize? Purr, we don’t want to do that..

The chronology is the same, the CAA was just the trailer and NRC is on the way.. they cannot let the Assam NRC as-is and need to take action. The CAA can be used to filter the people. The same CAA wil l be used when there is a NRC implemented across the country..

The question we indians should ask instead is what was the need to amend the constitution? We would have given citizenship to all the minorities and people who applied for citizenship. There was a criteria for that and it was working perfect.. please don’t justify CAA is needed coz the BJP wants to implement. It’s ok to ask questions like citizen and it’s our right to question the government and where our tax money is going.. maybe people will make an effort and ask the right questions instead of asking irrelevant questions. It’s ok to refer to the preamble when there are doubts.

Jai Hind!!