Human rights a joke?

The Human Rights watch recently called out the islamophobia in India. This is not a new thing, the corona virus has simply highlighted what Muslims have been increasingly facing in India since Modi’s BJP government was first elected in 2014.

If one looks carefully, they can see the pattern and there is an army that’s looking to target the Muslims and minorities.. It’s a perfect way to hide the failures or BJP and the ruling government.. The BJP government has been riding on this hate and its not a secret anymore. The way they have spread this hatred through the social media platform is beyond ones imagination.. There are media houses who run fake news stories and target the minorities.. There are thousands of expats outside India who fund the RSS and their organizations..The funds are collected in the name of some construction or a religious program.. However, the funds when they reach the destination, will be used to target minorities and run the hate campaigns.. It’s difficult to track them down coz the subsidiaries are registered with a different name..The world leaders should take notice and stop the funding. One way to do that would he add RSS and their subsidiaries on their blacklist, this would def put a dent in the hate campaigns. The BJP is the other name for RSS as it’s always kept the cultural organization tag.. This is the perfect strategy and they don’t have worry that they will be banned once again.. The RSS also plays the good cop/ bad cop game.. During a crisis, there are pictures of food distribution and rss cadre helping the people.. that’s so nice of them.. but then the cadre also can be seen on roads policing and doing illegal and unlawful things.. no one bothers to ask or question them. Naiki kar par natak kyu?

Anyway, the BJP and their leaders think they can ride on this for long.. The cracks are visible and world media and Human rights orgs are calling out the hate and also putting the country on their lists.. As an Indian it’s really a shame that India has been put on the list. However, the reality is that the people of the country are in worst conditions. The decisions and laws are only favoring a group of people and minorities are labeled anti-national or labeled something else if they speak up.. The Cases against activists and students is even more dangerous and unprecedented.. my India of the past would have stood together and fought against injustice.. There is a good number who fall into the majority are silent.. Their silence is quite visible and they fear that speaking against injustice would screw their chances. These are the same people who had no problems eating from the same plate or sharing a meal together.. some of these have turned full bigots and see no problem when fake news is shared around and when minorities are targeted.. The nazis who supported Hitler were the same.. someday these bigots will realize the dangers and speak up..

The truth is bitter but if someone doesn’t speak now, they wont be able to do so later as well.. Jai Hind!!

Here is the link to the Article on