TV Repair, anyone?

When I was in school, I was the curious George and had the opportunity to play with electrical outlets/appliances... Few things I liked to repair was the Tape recorder, the wall outlets, the fuse, the ceiling fan, bulbs, Tube-light and so on... The television was extra special coz as that was our only source to the external world.. The first time we got the TV home was a b/w one with the door. The only channel those days was the Doordarshan and then after few years it was the DD8(local news).

During the lock-down, we will be working with limited resources and many would remember that we only had 1 choice and that was everything.. One time we had a problem with the Television and needed a repair.. My Dad's colleague(Ali uncle), he knew how to repair the electronic appliances. My dad invited Ali uncle to take a look at the TV and he fixed the issue.. I was around when the television was fixed.. It was this small tuning that was at the back of the television set.. This fix only lasted few days and we were back to the same problem... The only option was to take the TV to the repair shop or call Ali uncle to fix the TV.. As many know, the b/w TV was heavy and it was not easy to carry.. The Flickering issue was something that was not a good experience... One day when mom had stepped out for grocery shopping, I thought of fixing the TV and ended up opening the back cover... I had to keep the television powered on and ran few tests.. I was also able to get to the back of that TV and tune the flickering issue... Voila, the TV is fixed..

As I was trying to put the cover back on, I hear knocking of the door.. My hands are full as i'm holding the TV cover... Mom realized something was wrong and was able to open the window from outside. It was the deer and the light experience... I'm standing there with the cover and the TV is powered on. Those who know my mom, would know what would have happened next.. I will leave that for your imagination... Years later, I realize that mom was more worried about the TV and not me(just kidding). It was the other way as she just asked me to drop that TV cover .. Long story, the issue was sorted and I felt that I will be able to fix lot of things. After few days, my dad called Ali uncle just to make sure there were no issue... Ali uncle said the TV was working fine... However, he said if i had end up touching any other part then things would have been different. Still remember those words and helps me prepare for worst case scenario...

Fast forward, the TV at home doesn't work as there is no picture. Tried everything.. Soft\hard reset and what not.. Even tried to call the repair centers... During this time, there was no one available to repair appliances. After some research, figured out it was an issue with the back-light and the LED lights need to be replaced.. Ordered the LED strip and start to disassemble the TV. Later realized that I dont have the LED tester so made a LED tester with 9v batteries.

The issue was with the LEDs as there was a lose contact. Everything was working fine and all the LEDs were now working. Spent 3+ hours to assemble\disassemble the TV.. However, one small mistake and I ended up cracking the LCD screen.

Moral of the story:

Kuch paane ke liye, kuch khona padtha hai( To gain something, we have to lose something... )