14 day`s of healthy meals p.5

Part V plus Desserts

If you wish to exercise couple of days with low commitment or just to exercises every now and then or to be new Mr. Olympia this is the right spot to be..

...Or maybe to snatch some recipes...

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Click here to check Part II

Click here to check Part III

Click here to check Part IV

Day 13


Green Smoothie

1 Banana

1 smaller apple

200ml milk or yogurt

1 table spoon of oak flakes

2 table spoons of flax seed or chia seed

3-4 leaf`s of chard

spices of your choice (ginger)

blend all the ingredients

Kilocalories: 473G

Carbohydrates :39G

Proteins :28G

Fat :23G


One fruit of your choice + 250ml of yogurt or 15ish pieces of almond, nuts or hazelnut or you can combine all of those


Stuffed sorrel

250g minced beef or minced pork

1 onion

1 carrot

50g raw rice

salt plus spices of your choice

2 table spoons of olive oil

leafs of sorrel

½ half cup of water + ½ half cup of milk + 2 table spoons of cheese


Onion and meet fry in pot with grated carrot ,at same time cook the rice

when meals are done ,mix them together and place them in leaf`s and wrap them

when you wrap them and place them in pot add cup of cooked tomato juice

and cup of water ,cover the pot ,until its done

side dish

green salad plus radishes (unlimited)

1 cup of yogurt

Kilocalories: 511G

Carbohydrates :17G

Proteins :32G

Fat :31G



4 table spoons of low fat cream cheese

1 frozen banana

1 cup of frozen red forest fruit mix(strawberry ,cherry ,blackberry ,raspberry etc.)

1 tea spoon of vanilla extract

add coconut powder if you love coconut

Mash frozen fruit with cheese and place coconut powder on top if using

leave couple of frozen fruit on side as decoration when it`s done :)

(its great if you use protein in powder its great to add instead of coconut powder)

Kilocalories: 355G

Carbohydrates :55G

Proteins :12G

Fat :10G

Day 14


Chia pudding

150ml milk

3table spoons of chia seed(30g)

1 tea spoon of cacao

½ half tea spoon of cinnamon

1 fruit of your choice

mix all ingredients

You can prepare it night before and leave it in fridge,

or prepare it at leave 2-3h before eating

before eating add 1 fruit

Kilocalories: 406G

Carbohydrates :54G

Proteins :14G

Fat :17G


One fruit of your choice + 250ml of yogurt or 15ish pieces of almond, nuts or hazelnut or you can combine all of those



2 eggs

1 pepper

1 onion

1 carrot

½ half zucchini (100g)

2 table spoons of olive oil

1/3 one third cup of oats

½ half cup of cooked tomato juice or 1 tomato

2 cups of water

salt and dry spices of your choice

chop vegetables place in pot with 1 table spoon of olive oil add salt and add oats

pour 2 cups of water cook it until water evaporate

before it is done add 2 eggs and cover the pot so egg whites are thermally cooked

side dish:

green salad with glass of milk or yogurt

Kilocalories: 433G

Carbohydrates :41G

Proteins :29G

Fat :18G


Protein salad mix

1 can of tuna(150g) (chicken ,turkey or beef 150g)

1 onion

½ half cup of celery

½ half cup of carrot

2/3 two thirds cup of cooked rice or oats

2 cups of water

salt and spices of your choice

2 table spoons of olive oil

salad of your choice:

green salad ,tomato's ,cucumbers ,cabbage ,radishes

Rice or oats cook in slightly salted water, grate(ground)the vegetables and add to cooked oat`s/rice and tuna/meat

pour over olive oil and add few drops of squeezed lemon juice

spices of your choice:

basil ,dill ,parsley are great add to the mix

Kilocalories: 554G

Carbohydrates :44G

Proteins :46G

Fat :23G

We are not at any competition so feel free to pick a day of the week when you can eat what ever you want ,as long as makes you happy! Keeping mental health is also important , so don`t make it to hard for your self!

(of course suggestion is to try to pick out healthier and in optimal quantity


Baked apples

1-2 apples

2 table spoons of oat flakes

2 table spoons almonds ,nuts ,hazelnuts (crush them to smaller pieces) and mix them all together(2 spoons)

1 table spoon of chopped dry fruit of your choice(peach ,grapes, figs ,cranberry)

add bit of cinnamon or vanilla

mix all ingredients together and, poke a hole in middle of apple and fill it with mixture

place filled apples in oven and bake them 15-20 minutes at 180c

Banana and peanut butter

1 banana

1 table spoon of peanut butter

chop banana to slimmer pieces and between two coat peanut butter

place in freezer for short while just so it gets a bit firm

Banana sandwich ice-cream

1 cup of almonds or peanuts

1 cup of date

¼ quarter cup of coconut powder or cocoa

this ingredients blend together then and split in two same pieces

(one should be bottom and one should be top texture)

place in freezer

for white cream

2-3 banana and add a bit of vanilla extract and freeze them

1 table spoon of coconut powder

blend banana with coconut and pour it over bottom texture then place top texture on top and back to freezer.

you can use it as cake, or you can slice it to cubes and eat one after each exercising

Salad dressings:

Cesar dressing-



Olive oil


squeezed lemon juice

Tzatziki sauce-




olive oil


Tomato sauce-




Olive oil


Mix all ingredients in a blender


Water or Mineral water

When drinking tea or coffee (use non-caloric sweeteners if possible) – you can add milk

avoid juices

if you don't like water, then you can squeeze 1 lemon per liter of water, chop a couple of mint leaf`s or add ginger, cinnamon, any of the spices you like and it can improve the taste of the water.

Hope you enjoyed in 2weeks of healthy meals Edition!

There are more to come in 2021...

Stay safe and healthy

I wish you happy Christmas and enjoy the Holidays

Love and cherish each other!

**With Love,**


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Click here to check Part II

Click here to check Part III

Click here to check Part IV

Bon Appetite

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