How often do you question your self, are we alone in this Universe?

Is this only habitable planet? What can be out there?How would they look like? Why we did not become friends with them already?

Well dear reader,

I find my self more then often thinking about outer space, their habitants, flora and fauna and their home planets.

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For my personal beliefs I do believe we are not alone ,but that would start the question why haven`t we made contact with them?!

We are blessed with this beautiful home planet, full of natural wonders all over the world, with such architecture precision, that it is impossible to be in such conditions with out some ones involvement in the process.

We are at perfect distance from the Sun and we have Moon circling around us!

So did we came to existence due to perfect coincidences of Universe ecosystem and our own home ecosystem with out any ones involvement? huh, highly doubt that.

There are a lot of theories going around about different extraterrestrials, the most famous are call The Grays ,Pleiadeans ,Draconians ,Reptilians . . .

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Image Source – Ubaid Figurines

Since Ancient times we have proof or if you prefer to call them “findings” in written form and in different kind of Arts.

Art and text differ in description depending on the region of the world for those findings, some mention flying aliens, some gods , some hybrids but in the end, all over the world there are finds, but we still cant “prove it”. ( for some thing to be "legit" in world, church and science needs to be on same page )

This is just ancient times, where are all those UFO classified videos and proof ,in modern times? We all heard for Area-51 , there is even mention in Nikola Tesla`s document that he received Signals from out side the planet.

There are conspiracy theory's that governments are cooperating with them in silence, since mid 1940s due to nuclear testing.


From Earth it very hard to label celestial object as habitable ,

we have many potential habitable Planets in our sight they are not so close but, future is getting closer faster then I anticipated!

Those potentially habitable Planets are multiple decades of light year travel from earth, so I am not sure that we will get there soon (not counting Mars) unless we have some kind of teleportation or some black hole – warp-speed.

So where are the Aliens hiding? (oh in Area 51)

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My wild guess is that they made contact with us, and they were very unpleased with what they have encountered and let it be...

It is very simple!

If they are not advanced like us, they can only watch us from far like we observe the Outer space.

If they are advanced then there are 2 paths, are their intentions good or bad, if good there are high chances that we ( our governments) tried to manipulate them ( they are advanced....)

and they disliked that and left, if bad then we should be happy we did not meet them.

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There is different kind of story behind every Alien kind.

Different part of Universe, with different ability`s and characteristics.

The Grays -

Grey aliens, also referred to as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys, or Grays

Tall humanoid with a spade-shaped head.

Greys – skinned humanoids, usually 3–4 feet tall, hairless, with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 3-4 fingers including thumb. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s

Star map of Zeta Reticuli

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Nordic aliens – Pleiadeans

Pleiadeans from the Pleiades are Humanoids with stereotypical “Nordic features” (tall, blonde hair, blue eyes) and have featured in several cases of contact.

It is said they are from Ancient Earth but presenting themselves as extraterrestrials in the past, they moved from living on the surface to live underground around the Himalayas area after a natural event.

Reptilians, Reptiloids ,Draconians or anthropomorphic reptiles

Tall, scaly humanoids. Reptilian humanoid beings date back at least as far as Ancient Egypt, with the crocodile-headed river god Sobek.

This ones are “most popular”

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Hope you enjoyed in extraterrestrial edition of Earthly News from CryptoSpace