How I got in love with XRPs Micro-payments Ecosystem

If you are a XRP HODLER/Lover don`t skip this article

Most of XRP Community have heard of Coil, but not all members are aware of its potential and how it works!

I am still discovering the space of micro-payments and how it works. So please do your own research about it! But the more I have been discovering the more I loved it!

Whole system is XRP based.

So how do you start receiving Mircro-Payments? Who is streaming payments? How to set it up?

Well first of all, you would need to start your journey at Click here —–> Coil

To be eligible to receive micropayments you would need to make account on (there are two options)

Creator account – is free, and allows you to create blogs/articles on Coil and receive payments like this one you are reading.

Free accounts are not able to read coil subscriber content!

Member account – Cost is 5$(USD) per month with additional benefits included in price.

(Included in 5$)

*Coil -* To Sign up Click ——> HERE

Reading all exclusive subscriber content

Cinnamon Video – To Join Click —–> HERE

Is video platform(like YouTube just better)

You get live payments when people are watching your video LIVE!!

(will write more when explaining how it works down below)

MG.Social – To Join Click —–> HERE

Social network (simalar to Facebook or Twitter)

But when people are reading your post , image , video , or listening mp3 audio you posted

you receive micropayments!

*Imgur:Emerald -* To Join Click —–> HERE

**Ad-free Browsing


Block Tags

Exclusive Avatars

Upload to Comments

**A Snazzy Trophy

Imgur is the easiest way to discover the magic of the Internet, with everything from funny pics of pets, to funny GIFs from movies and TV shows

Hackernoon – To Join Click ——> HERE[](

Independent tech blog with honest and unfettered stories

with possibly to post advertise and job!

***Get your jobs discovered by 400+ niche developer communities with over a million active developers*** – To join Click ——> HERE[](

Software developers getting together to help one another out.

*DEV is a community of
*472,320 amazing developers

Twitch Streamers support – To Join Click ——> HERE

Coil will send micropayments in bits to streamer you are watching

Reductress – To Join Click ——> HERE

The first and only satirical woman`s magazine

Privacy of its members is very important to Coil

No tracking! Privacy Policy

There is more and they are updating/improving daily

So since we got almost everything cover what you get for 5bucks

Now its time for you to become a member!

-Install the Coil Extension or the Puma Browser app.

-Log in to Coil and enjoy web monetized content and features across the internet.

Puma Browser

for iOS and Android

We change the way you monetize content on the web!

Coil monetization model offers an alternative to the status quo of paid advertisements and selling the public’s attention to the highest bidders.

A solution that will serve the people who aren’t being served well today.

How it works???

Coil sends payments via the Interledger Protocol, which allows any currency to be used for sending and receiving.

1.Coil Members pay a monthly fee.

2.You set up a digital wallet and monetize your content.

3.Coil streams payments to your wallet while Coil Members enjoy your content.

Interledger Forum -

Ask questions and learn more about how interledger woks!

Find out ——> HERE -

Deep dive into interledger protocol RFC.

Find out ——> HERE

Web Monetization

A JavaScript browser API that allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website

Find out ——> HERE

How does it work? If you still didn't understand or you are still confused or unfamiliar with the matter let me simplify it for you

As example:


You are coil member,and you post a “status/what`s on your mind” on News feed on MG.Social and me as your friend ( does not need to be friend on MG.Social to view your public post) stops on your post and start reading what your wrote ,and at that moment micropayments start to flow!


You are a coil member,and you post a Video on platform,when i start watching your video payments are being processed to you,when i even switch tabs on chrome(or other search engine) not even close the window, payments stop video stops,and continues when i get back to tab.


You are content creator/member, you post blog on Coil,

when Coil Subscribers are reading your article you are receiving payments.

Non Coil members are not able to provide micropayments reading your content.

Coil subscription lasts for 1 month so you don`t have to worry if you “overpayed” some one for watching/reading members post!

To be eligible to receive micropayments you will need Uphold account! to sign up click ——> HERE


How to find Payment Pointer on UpHold

(i know only to find it on classic version)

Considering that you already sign up

Step 1

On left side of screen you will this menu click on . . . (3 dots to open menu and switch to classic view)

Step 2

After you switched to classic view you will have add funds in top right corner, click on it

Step 3

You will get to this menu and click on red one “from Interledger payment pointer”

Step 4

Copy following address and paste it to Coil payment pointer

Every Payment Pointer is different so don`t copy mine!

To find your Payment pointer on Coil

Step 1

In top right corner you will see your Picture or default Coil picture

Open settings

Step 2

Then click on payouts and enter your payment pointer

And your coil is all set

For MG.Social

You will need *uphold* **payment pointer** for micropayments


Xumm wallet if you wish to receive tips


Be sure to watch the whole guide before creating MG.Social account, don`t rush with connecting coil...

Watch the video ——> HERE

Thanks MateoXRP

Follow me on MG.Social @CryptoSpace

Follow me on CinnamonVideos @CryptoSpace
Follow me on Coil @CryptoSpace
Follow me on Twitter @CryptoSpace123

Coil Team

Is an eclectic group of nerds and creatives in the heart of San Francisco with the drive to make things better than we found them.

Special thanks to Coil team!

Follow me on twiter @CryptoSpace321


-only coil subscribers can stream payments(coil do that for you , you just pay 5$ per month)

-some one watch listen read check your profile you get micropayments for amount of time they spent on your post/profile.

-process is live so at the moment some one is watching , you can see your uphold incoming payment rise

-Coil team is making whole ecosystem, social media, video platform ,ad-free browsing , dev section,

Lady`s section,

Have a great week.

Hope you enjoyed.

*This was Micro-payments Edition of* Earthly News from CryptoSpace

When you become Coil Member come back to read this below!

Continue reading with a Coil membership.