Hello dear reader,

It is important that in this times you remain fearless, and don`t change or forget your dreams!

For more then 7years I don`t own a TV and i am avoiding news papers and such,and i can tell you i am much more happier.

I realized that everything they put out there it is planned, pre-scripted and edited for their narrative.

So the `important` news I hear from people around me,even in this covid times, i don`t really care what they are going to `announce`!

Every time governments tried to hide something and avoid panic, people found out and started panicking. But with covid, they are panicking and making people panic,and be afraid of each other...

I sure hope you believe in energy's ,if not at least you know (there is proof) that we all have electromagnetic(EM) fields around our body that is created by our self`s.

The adult body is comprised of more than 70 trillion individual cells. And that’s not counting the millions of bacteria we carry in while eating.

Each of those trillions of cells carries out several thousand metabolic processes every second. In order for that level of complexity to function smoothly, there must be a great deal of communication between and within these trillions of cells. Thankfully, our cells are programmed for this type of communication.

Our bodies naturally conduct electricity. In fact, every organ and cell in the human body has its own field.

The magnetic field produces electrical currents that are weaker than you may first think, at the same time, the electromagnetic field of the brain is stronger than the heart. Devices are able to measure the magnetic field that is created by the human brain.

This measurement is known as magnetoencephalography. Both magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography are tests that identify the brain activity.

The biomagnetic fields of the body, though extremely tiny, have been measured with techniques. These include magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetocardiography (MCG). These techniques measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in the body.

Furthermore, when magnetic fields are created by living things, it is called ‘biomagnetism’. And when magnetic fields are used to apply onto a living body, this is called ‘magnetobiology’.

We all know the famous movie “The Matrix” were AI machines were harvesting humans as a form of energy.

there was also experiment where bitcoin was mined with human body, we are getting into some weird times my friends...

Personally I believe that our emotions dictate to some extent our EM field

This scale reveals how each human emotion offers a vibrational frequency and has been assigned a numerical value.

How high up something is on this scale determines how far it has come in the evolution of humanity; whether it has attained enlightenment; whether it’s still stuck in a fearful survival mode; or whether it’s somewhere in between.

Thank you for reading

Have a loving week

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