Introduction to Exercise 💪🏻👀

Hello ,

So before we start to sweat 😓 💦

we should consider that we are all individuals and all different types of people, and some exercises and food works differently on every one.

So before we categorize each other in different groups I would like to tell you a little bit of my background.

Since young age I was very agile and fit ,

And I am blessed with fast metabolism and good muscle structure.

In period since 7-12 I was changing a lot of sports, I was searching my self as a kid.

Then later in a bit later age 12-15 I would start working out at home and out side only with my own body weight. From 15 to 18 I trained martial arts and from 18 to 20 I was professional athlete.

I have trained many seasons in different conditions ,in different programs and exercises.

For different parts of body.

Current status:

-27 years old



So I am currently having a bad eating habits with eating twice or even once a day, with few snacks.

I am working from home so I don’t move as much ,plus this current lockdown situation. So I don’t use as much energy

And I stopped exercising for couple of months..

But that is about to change!

So we are gonna make a plan first what are we going to do and how much, but every one will have its own program .

Most importantly Is to benefit from it, and not get hurt, so don’t overextend your self.

We don’t want any one getting hurt !

Do as much as you can ,but don’t push your self over the limits!


There are couple of stuff we should categorize first

• body type ( underweight/fit/overweight)

• sex (male , female)

• age (7 – 107)

• muscle memory ( have you done exercises before)

• body type2 ( what are your strongest muscles and weakest)

• posture (Back/Spine status)

My personal would be

on MG.Social @CryptoSpace

on Twitter @CryptoSpace123

on Coil @CryptoSpace

Cinnamon @CryptoSpace

Btype- Underweight

Sex- Male

Age- 27

Mmemory- Yes(soccer , swimming , martial arts etc.)


Stronger [ upper back, chest ] Weaker [ Arms, lower back , Abs]

Posture- I work 8h sitting(plus free time) so i have lower back issues.

{make one of this for your self }

So with this info we can easier determine on what can we focuse more , or less and what is our mission .

So my primary goal is to remove my lower back pain, gain weight and detoxicate my body from unhealthy food as much as possible.

Since i know my body very well, i know what exercises i should avoid, so i dont “bulk” in unwanted areas that i already have advantage in..

Please consider making your “mission” on what would you like to accomplish with this exercises, so it will be easier to find best workout program.

First of all we have to understand, what can we gain by exercise so we can exploit it!

With exercise we are using our muscles to lift some weight

In that process our muscle are “pumping “

And what that means is ,your muscles need more blood and oxygen to operate under more pressure, and under constant pressure ( couple of reps) muscles tissues starts to snap and body starts to produce some chemicals to “repair “ those snapped muscles tissue.

That pain that your feel in your muscles tomorrow is muscle inflammation, and that means your workout was heavy and you will progress!

For every part of muscle is it legs abs lower back arms,every proces is the same,just different exercises for other part of body...

So , from all groups there are only 3 directions people want to go!

Lose weight

Gain weight

Or feeling good/staying in shape

(Just be careful we are all different so don’t overextended ,

BE SAFE don’t rush it)

For losing weight it is important for you to be physically active for longer then 45minutes!

It is because after 30-35minutes of physical activity ( pulse over 85) you start to burn your fat.

So what ever you do from exercises just make it longer then 45,and don’t make to long breaks between them!

Also it is important to eat 4-7 times a day, but in smaller portions

For gaining weight it is not important how long is the activity , but in order to gain faster weight, you must eat and lift some heavier weights , so your muscles tissues snap more and harder, so your muscles request more income of food and energy!

Important to eat 5-7 times a day with at least 5 meals should be intake of proteins and carbohydrates

So you will be what you if you eat bad food, your body will produce bad food for muscles and organs... if you eat healthy and good food, your body will produce quality cells and muscles

65% food

25% exercise

10% genetics

So if you are working on losing weight you should pump up a bit these exercise % and lower a bit on food %

I am not telling you stop eating!!!

Just eat 4-7 times a day with proper food intakes...

Start preparing your self slowly, start taking more water then usual,

start eating more often in smaller amounts!!!

AVOID these food!!!

Bread Pastas Pizzas Sweets Juices

this are worst...

So avoid FLOUR SUGAR in food that is 1st big step!!!



I will start recording my self while I workout so we can work out together and explaining what will that exercise give us, how to position your self to do it properly and tips and tricks to make make it look easy!!!!

Follow me at MG.Social @CryptoSpace

You can DM me on Twitter @CryptoSpace123

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Follow me on Cinnamon @CryptoSpace

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