XRP`s “fork” partner FlareNetworks excluded Jed McCaleb from claiming Spark token

Flare Networks made decision to exclude Jed from receiving Spark

Jed is Banned from Flare

Flare Networks don`t want to put them self in same position as XRP

to have to stand Jed as whale dumping on investors.

4 most used Jed`s addresses are:

1 <— Click

2<— Click

3<— Click

4<— Click

“We took the decision to exclude Jed as the consistent sales of XRP having a negative effect on the psychology of the market make it clear he is not an XRP supporter. Spark attributable to his XRP holdings are being distributed equally to all other valid claimants.”

As people started to complain about Flare`s decision Flare felt the need to give one more explanation to community.

“We do not know Jed (beyond 1 call) and have absolutely no animosity toward him or Stellar. Flare is intended to bring utility to the XRP Ledger – we reserve the right to structure the initiation of the network in the way we think necessary to achieve that objective.”

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