

Scrayden walked away from the party of adventurers worn and glad to be on the move again. But he also felt a pang of sadness. They were wild, a bit mad really, but it had all worked out in the end. He'd even been able to level up with the help of that mad Druid who helped them. He was disappointed the orb he'd found was not the one from his village, but now he had a lead at least, and a destination.

The great city of Winterfell and the noble Threshmeeds clan. #tootfic #tootFicADay #nanowrimo #scraydenfic #nanotootmo

They came out of the rain and collapsed their umbrellas, shaking them towards the ground.

“It's great to have a bit of rain! I hope it really washes the hear out of the air.”, Carolen said smiling as she tussled her hair to get the drops out.

Harry watched her as he stood there dripping onto the pavement, “You can always see the bright side of things, I wish I had that.”

“You do silly”, she said as she moved beside him and gently gripped his free hand, “I'm your bright side.”

#tootfic #tootFicADay #nanotootmo #nanowrimo