Write.as Cues

Weekly encouragements to help you express yourself.

Remember the last kind gesture someone did for you, no matter how small. What was it? How did it make you feel?

Respond to the prompt here.

by Victoria

A response to the Afraid prompt

if i wasn't afraid of anything, or anyone I would probably tell the boy i have been daydreaming about how much i like him. I would be unapologetic about who I am as a person and would not hesitate to face what was coming head on. I would not feel this apprehension before starting a new semester because i'd know for sure that i could handle anything that was thrown at me. I wouldn't be worried about what people thought of my. I wouldn't fear being alone. I wouldn't live in my own world because the real world would be worth living in.

Memory by Ordinarily Existing

A response to the Earliest Memory prompt

I don't recall every memories of my childhood. They were fragments within my early lives that are stuck with me. They are the one I can recall whenever someone asked “Tell me about your childhood.”

I was the only daughter of my parents. My parents are protective (like every other parents) but I was never spoiled. Well, you could say if I am in a fight with my brother, I'll definitely win but my upbringing was much like my brothers'. I was born a year apart from my second brother, so we were like twins. My mother used to bring us everywhere together. My brother is timid, shy and reserved. Me on the other side, grew up to be bold, loud and rebellious. Always gotta have my own way.

One of the memory my mother told me about my myself was when the first day of kindergarten, I never look back after saying goodbye to my parents. My brother however, will cling on to them for a while. My mother was quite surprised since I am the only daughter, so she expected me to become so attached to her.

During dentist and hospital visits, I'll always volunteer to go first. Needles and me never really an issue even when I was a mere child. I hissed and cried a little bit when it hurts, but never scared of them.

I used to share bedrooms with my brothers, so we would sleep on the floor together. Each of us will have a giant plushy my father bought us. Mine was a giant rabbit with white and black in stripes, my brother's were a big yellow birds called Tweedy. Whenever we were scared of something, my dad will come and squeezed himself in and sang us lullabies and melodies to help us sleep.

The fondest memory of my early years however, was dancing. The joy I got from hitting every beat, moving myself to the choreography, pretty make ups and costumes. My parents enjoyed me going to dance competitions. Though, I no longer dance but they were the one memory I'll cherish.

Then, my mom would tell me that I love to daydream as a teacher when I was a kid. She said, every time I am back from school, I would go straight to my dad's bookshelf, took any book that I might not understand and pretend to teach them in front of my non-existing class. I stole some chalks from my school and used my tinted sliding doors as my blackboard. My parents were amused. They said, “We thought you will become a teacher some day.” Life is interesting, because right now my career path was far from teaching.

I was blessed with wonderful memories during my early days. As I grew older, I realised that a lot people don't have the privilege of normal childhood memories. And for this I am forever thankful.

Love, Ordinarily Existing

Memory by Wanderer

A response to the Earliest Memory prompt

First day of school.

Terrified and in tears, I cling to the front gate because I DO NOT want to enter the school and leave my parents.

Still now, I often wonder about it.

Afraid by kayla

A Response to the Afraid prompt

if i wasn't afraid

i would do everything i always wanted to do. but first thing i would do is to face my problems and responsibilities. theyre the most terrifying things of all although i met them daily. once i get control of what im handling, i would say everything i wanted to say to my loved ones. they deserve to hear what's been on my mind for so long.

and then i would tell my crush that i love his smiles and small details about him that im convinced, he gets that a lot but who cares i just want to let him know that i truly adore him. funny that we never even met.

after that i would join every competition in my interests that i get to join. i want to experience every little thing i get to experience in this wild world.

i would try new things. new -really weird things. i would buy a one way plane ticket to japan. sounds dumb i know but if you dont have any fear, you get into dumb troubles and who cares beacuse i personally love to die in the middle of the things i want to do.

without fear, i would rather truly living or die than to live everyday the same.

without fear, i can be the person i always wanted to be. the person i imagine that i can turn to someday.

without fear, that's how im gonna live someday.

Afraid by Ordinarily Existing

A response to the Afraid

One of the biggest thing that has been holding me back in life is that I am always afraid. The fear of failing in the future haunted me. I restrained myself from doing things I love because I am afraid I will fail.

Should I start a blog? Naah, I am afraid my writing is not good enough to attract people to read.

Should I pursue being a full time baker? I am afraid my business will fail and I am not good enough as a baker.

I am afraid of making new friends. What if they don't like me.

I am afraid my parents will be disappointed in me if I don't do well in my study.

I have commitment issues because I am afraid my partner will not accept me if I show him my true colours.

Often, being afraid resulted from fears of the unknown. Doubts that feed our mind. Negative thoughts that consume us. I am afraid of failing because I thought failures are not normal.

If I weren't afraid, I would write every thoughts, every story and every poems that came across my head. I will surely have a few books filled by then.

If I weren't afraid I will pursue my passion in baking and one day, I will have a bakery that I can call my own.

If I weren't afraid, I would say no when I want to. I would say hi to the stranger I thought was cute. I would be more frank with my feelings so that I will not bottle them up.

If I weren't afraid, I will fight my fears. I will try, fail and learn. And do it over and over and over again until I reach my goal. For failures are stepping stones. An opportunity.

I am learning to not be afraid. I am learning to fight. The places I can go and the endless possibilities I can grab. If I weren't afraid, not even the sky will be my limit.

Love, Ordinarily Existing

What is the earliest memory you can recall from your life? Write about it.

Respond to the prompt here.

Book by DepSteph

A response to the Book prompt

Empire of the Ants by Bernard Werber, this book tell story about the co-living between ant and human. I am not a book reader but I loved this one. It's easy to read, a nice story/adventure telling.

It also make you see the life from another perspective, which is deep :-D

There is also a bit of suspense that make this novel and fun time to spend

Book by tmo

A response to the Book prompt

The last book I read was quite some time ago (a few months) called A Brief History Of Thought by Luc Ferry. He is a French philosopher out of the Uni of Paris and he puts in simple terms where philosophy started from to where we are today. Basically going from the Stoics all the way up until Post-Modernism, and everything in between. It was easy to read for a philosophy book, but still heavy reading because it is, after all, philosophy.

What was the last book you enjoyed reading? What did you like about it?

Respond to the prompt here.

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