
The wet shoulder "gue kalah lagi." seungwoo memalingkan mukanya, melihat seungyoun yang bersandar di dinding dengan mata tertutup. "nanti ujian beneran, gue sumpah gue bakal jadi nomor satu di negara kita. pokoknya skor gue paling tinggi." "mau ngalahin gue?" seungyoun membuka matanya lalu tersenyum melihat seungwoo, "nope." seungyoun menghela nafas, "gue mau buat mama gue menyesal ninggalin gue sebelum gue dapet nomor satu." dia ketawa kecil sebelum menatap gambar mamanya, "it's unfair.. i cried like crazy here, i have a lot of regrets and all she did is leaving me behind without getting her last wish." suara seungyoun mulai tercekat di kerongkongnya. seungwoo tau yang emosi seungyoun udah gak stabil lagi kayak hari pertama funeral. seungwoo was also there but the last thing seungwoo wanted to do that day is to approach seungyoun, for many reasons that even seungwoo can't explain. "you know.. i also found out that you know about my mom, and i hated you for that." seungyoun's tears begin to stream on his cheeks. he hugs his knees, close to his chest, while crying his heart out. "maybe.. if only you tell me, i can see her, i can spend my times with her and i wouldn't whine over her faking stuffs, being busy instead of giving her strength when she needs it the most." seungwoo menarik seungyoun ke dalam pelukannya. isakannya masih jelas kedengar. seungwoo mengelus lembut punggung seungyoun. "gue marah, seungwoo. marah sama lo, sama uncle, sama mama. waktu mama sakit, bukan gue yang jagain dia, bukan gue yang di sisinya. apa gue bukan anaknya? kok mama tega banget rahasiain ini dari gue. gue nggak mau banyak, gue cuman mau jumpa mama waktu dia masih ada, masih bernapas. not when her lungs stopped working, not when she is not breathing!" seungwoo mengeratkan pelukannya. blazzer di bahagian bahunya udah basah kerna air mata seungyoun. "maaf.."