Dad vs Videogames 🎮


The beautiful night sky in Skyrim. Not sure why I never noticed this before. Probably shows how much of a Skyrim noob I am. But anyway, I was making the trek to Ivarstead when I looked up and was amazed at what I saw. So amazing that at one point I didn't notice a pack of wolves bearing down on me while I kept looking up 😄

Beautiful night sky in Skyrim Beautiful night sky in Skyrim -- you get a view of the moons too.


For someone who spent most of his time playing Fallout 4, switching to Skyrim was a breath of fresh air. You go from desolate wastelands, to striking scenery like these.

Skyrim -- Beautiful landscape right after exiting Helgen. This first screenshot was taken right after you exit Helgen, which is where the game tutorial takes place. At this point, you've already seen a dragon, engaged in melee, range or magic combat (depending on your preference), and you're basically just itching to get out into the world to see what kind of story you can write.