Some videos showing early game combat in The Division.
Even after all these years, this game is still fun. Yes there are bullet sponge enemies in this game. But I made peace with that fact a long time ago. This game is not a tactical shooter, even if it might look like one.
Started a new The Division playthrough. I already finished this game in the past. I'm doing a 2nd playthrough. This time around, I created a female Division agent. My backstory for her is that she was a Paramedic before getting activated as part of the 2nd wave of Division agents.
I'm thoroughly enjoying the start of this 2nd playthrough. It is weird that even after finishing this game, I was still getting frisson when I went through the early game cutscenes. The story in this game, the premise, the motivation to playing as the protagonist, all of it is still really good.
When I started this online journal, one of my goals was to use it in place of social media. So, the idea was to post photos or videos here, instead of on Facebook or Instagram. Video game clips in particular was something I shared on Instagram. I no longer have a public Instagram account. And I'm running out of space on OneDrive because of my growing backlog of video game clips. So, I'm going to start a new series on here: Game Clips. These are going to contain video game clips from the various games I play/played.
To start off, I'm sharing a game clip from The Division. Before the release of the second game, this was one of my “go to” games. It is an online open-world tactical shooter that you can play solo. The story is engaging. The cover system in this game is really good, which makes combat enjoyable. It is a good game.