LinkedIn starts testing Stories in the Netherlands + Twitter Stories

The social network LinkedIn is following the footsteps of Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. LinkedIn has officially started testing it’s new “LinkedIn Stories” feature in the Netherlands. LinkedIn says:

“During this time, it’s only available to members and select LinkedIn Pages located in Brazil and the Netherlands.”

Are you a user of LinkedIn and do you also want to test this new feature? Do not be worried, they will be releasing this feature more widely soon! 🙌

In 2013, Snapchat was the first social media network that started working with stories feature. The feature made it possible to post a series of snaps that would remain active and viewable for a full day.

How do LinkedIn stories work?

The feature allows users to add photos, videos, texts and stickers to their 'story'. Once posted, your story will be shown to connections and followers for 24 hours. Same as a normal post on LinkedIn, connections and followers can share your stories with others.

It’s important to know that for now, you can only create a story from the LinkedIn mobile app.

Source:[Social Media Today](

**The future of Stories
**Whether you like Stories feature or not, there is a reason why all social media platforms are adopting the Stories feature. Stories do fit perfectly by the usage of social media of the new generation. They grew up communicating with mobile phones and video calling.

LinkedIn is following the success of Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. There may also be an opportunity that Twitter will add this feature to its platform. Twitter just purchased Chroma Labs, which specializes in Stories content.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that we will see Twitter Stories anytime soon. But there is a slight change.

Source: link

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