Boring Tools Till – Contents

In April of 2020, I started building a till (or cabinet) to hold all my braces, bits and other tools for boring holes. I kept track of the progress as I built it, which went until May of 2022. Here's the notes from the journey (all dated, so you can see how long various things took me).

  1. Planning and Cutting
  2. A Little Detour
  3. Dovetails and Sliding Dovetails
  4. Horizontal Bits
  5. Reinforcement, Part 1
  6. Cleanup and Test Fitting
  7. Reinforcement, Part 2
  8. Recutting the Bottom and More Test Fitting
  9. Gluing it up
  10. Back and Cleat—Hanging it up
  11. Starting on Drawers
  12. Resawing the Drawer Sides
  13. Another Day, Another Drawer
  14. Drawer Cleanup
  15. More Drawers
  16. Last Drawer Boxes—Odds & Ends
  17. Fitting out Drawers
  18. First Drawer Done—Starting on the Second
  19. Small Drawer—Batwing and Forstner Bits
  20. Small Drawer—Spoon bits, Countersinks, Plug Cutters
  21. Last Drawer Insides
  22. Cutting Drawer Fronts to Size
  23. Starting to Finish the Drawer Fronts
  24. Shellacking the Drawer Fronts
  25. More Drawer Front Finishing
  26. Drawer Pulls on—Mostly
  27. Door Frames
  28. Gluing up the Doors
  29. Finishing the Doors
  30. Hanging a Door
  31. Second Door
  32. Adjusting the Doors—Putting on Latches
  33. Hammers on the Door

#Contents #buildBlog #woodworking #build #storage #shopFurniture

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