Cybersecurity, Privacy & Cryptocurrency

A Stablecoin is a cryptocurrency whose value is pegged to less volatile assets like fiat currencies, collaterals, other cryptocurrencies, a basket of goods in a consumer price index, precious metals or oil. Some stablecoin projects even attempt to fix a steady value using algorithms. The general idea of a stablecoin is to produce a crypto asset whose value isn’t prone to extreme volatility.


Short answer, no. You don’t know whether or not they’ve been stolen or modified nor do you know if the seller is running an insurance fraud scam. This is my experience.


Shamir’s secret sharing (SSS) is a cryptographic technique formulated in 1979 by the Israeli cryptographer Adi Shamir. The essence of Shamir’s scheme lies in the ability to back up, share and recover a secret through breaking up the secret into multiple shares that are individually useless and leak no information about the secret or the scheme setup.


There’s a debate from the beginning; believers and non-believers about Bitcoin. Something similar, an almost identical comparison is the creation of the internet, something we use everyday now whether it be to bank online or check social media to applying for jobs, we all use it, yet the majority don’t understand how it works yet accept it while hold Bitcoin with a bias, a bias that it’s fake and made up out of thin air.


The Universal Declaration of Human Right are the 30 principles by which every country that’s a part of the UN must abide by


Tamper protection is when you keep an object from being physically accessed by someone you don't trust. Think about clothing stores and those annoying plastic devices found on apparel which are meant to keep you from stealing.


A 17 page analysis dossier reveals that $5,200,000,000 worth of Bitcoin transactions are plausibly associated with ransomware


I’ve been wanting to make a home security system for a while, but I had trouble finding cheap cloud storage not to mention the instructions from PC Pro weren’t completed, the article didn’t explain a lot of things…


It followed an interview on 60 minutes with Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen on Sunday, by Monday around 4pm Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp were all offline.


Big Brother is watching you 👀 —– Sometimes you may be restricted from a website, this could be a government block or enforced by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) in a country where censorship isn't an issue like Europe or America.