I have a rather active imagination sometimes, and my girlfriend Vul is such an enabler, you know? After she sort of… opened the door to a bit of humiliation and restraint, my imagination went ‘whee’ and started taking me in directions I didn’t know I wanted to go.
This didn’t go quite as I expected, but I think it ended up better for it. Look, I’m an awkward person and I would 100% miss those social queues. I’m just uhm. You know. Glad things ended up working out for the best. Now, where is that salve…
Content warning: This story is NSFW. It contains sex, consensual tief on tief violence, restraints, broken diahes, and a few other naughty things.
Warning: Very NSFW. Contains sex, non-traditional relationships, and a tiefling girl with limited experience with men trying to like… write about a sexual encounter between her girlfriend and their friend. So uh. Yeah. That.
So, this is my first attempt at a) writing using an outline from someone else and b) writing about my girlfriend having the sex with someone else. It was more difficult than I expected, not because I found it weird, but because I wanted to do her justice. Like… I love her, right? So I wanted her to love the story and ‘see’ herself in what I wrote. I hope I did good, Vul!
Also… to all of you reading: Thank you very much! I really do appreciate it!