The past two weeks have hilly at work–ups and downs.

Tuesday and Wednesday were not very productive. In fact, I think I probably wrote less than 100 lines of code both days combined. Part of this was distraction, most of it was lack of motivation.

I thought today would be better. I got such a good night's sleep that my alarm woke me up. I was in the office on time (adjusted for some Tom-fuckery) but approaching lunch three hours in, I had produced bumpkis.

After lunch, I felt more productive having written some code, but still not making any progress. I thought I was pregnant with progress until I tried to do one simple thing which it turns out that not can I not do/don't know how to do, but worse, I wound up staying 2-2.5 hours late!

I was quite surprised when I looked down at my Apple Watch and saw it had ~14% battery left while I was still at work. I put my Watch on at my normal time this morning and I usually have ~30% or so left when I get home. I wonder if I got an insane number of notifications today, if I kept raising my wrist the wrong way or if my watch didn't fully charge overnight.

I was really hoping to break free of my not doing anything after work routine tonight and was excited too, but having gotten home so late, I'm not sure what I'll do.