Here are YOUR Keys to the Lamborghini...

Hello my fellow action takers!

You are looking more Bad and Boujee today than ever before…

Good for you ;)

Because you’re on Team Dr. Chris and love your awesome self each and every day, today I’m going to give YOU the Keys To The Lamborghini of personal change.

Do you want an unfair advantage to personal development?

Do you want to tap into your Higher and Wiser Self?

Do you want to easily and quickly attract awesome things into your life?

Of course you do ;)

So read closely, and you may be pleasantly surprised how simple these methods are to create long-lasting and permanent change inside you.

First off, think of all the self-help books you’ve read that didn’t do sh*t to create permanent, long lasting change in you.

Kind of sucks, right?

The reason that most of those self-help books didn’t create lasting change was because they weren’t applying methods that effect the subconscious mind.

They were merely trying to change your beliefs and behaviors through the conscious mind.

Think of it this way, if changing beliefs and behaviors through the conscious mind was very effective, then there wouldn’t be any cigarette smokers in our society.

As a former smoker of 14 years, I knew all the logical facts that smoking causes cancer and other illnesses, but I still smoked despite consciously knowing all of the negative consequences.

(OMG! This is me in Hollywood, November 2007 *Face Palm* haha)

It was not until I was treated by a hypnotherapist where I was able to stop smoking only after 1 session!

The reason hypnotherapy was so profound is because it directly effected my subconscious mind.

My subconscious mind was reprogrammed to have a strong aversion and disgust response to cigarette smoke.

The chains of habit were permanently severed!

I want you to cement this phrase in your mind…

“To Create Permanent Change In Myself, I Have to Effect My Subconscious Mind.”

Read that nugget of wisdom above one more time^^^^^^^^

Good job, champ :)

The subconscious mind is the source of your hidden beliefs, fears, and attitudes. It’s the repository of automatic skills, the source of intuition and dreams, and an engine of information processing.

All of your automatic habits, whether you’re aware of them or not, are being driven by your subconscious mind!

I want you to read closely the following methods to changing your unconscious mind and apply all of them to the areas in your life you want to see change.

1. Repetition Principle: If something happens often enough, it will eventually persuade your subconscious mind. This is probably the crudest way of changing the subconscious, but it works! Repetition is the mother of learning.

Repetition breeds familiarity and liking, as advertisers know this very well. So use repetition to your advantage to program in yourself what you want to feel more and believe more about yourself, others, and the world.

Be highly aware of what it is you’re repeating to yourself verbally and in your environment. Be sure to repeat empowering thoughts, phrases, and places/environments!

2. Parental, Authority, and Group Influence: What are the beliefs and habits that parents, authority, and the groups you belonged to hold? Chances are that you also have very similar beliefs and behaviors.

We like to believe that we’re immune to these outside forces because we’re intelligent, but the truth is that they highly influence us! Take a look what were some of the disempowering beliefs and habits you may have picked up so that you can begin to reprogram those beliefs and habits.

3. Emotionally Impactful Events: Strong emotions will change your subconscious mind. Whether you’re having strong positive or negative emotions, be aware of the messages that are being paired with it.

For example, a person may have a traumatic experience and is told that they are worthless. This is more likely to program their mind to believe that they are worthless.

Also, if you have a very strong positive emotion, such as euphoria during orgasm, whatever message you’re receiving at that time will program your subconscious mind.

(Gotta love “When Harry Met Sally” haha #oface)

My advice to you would be to purposefully create strong positive emotions in yourself and pair those experiences with self-empowering statements and mental images related to things you want to change in your life.

4. Meditation and Hypnosis: Meditation and hypnosis are direct roads to access your subconscious mind. First, put your mind into a state of relaxation and focus on a single experience in the present moment, such as your breath.

Then, visualization and use positive self-affirmations to directly communicate with your subconscious mind.

Pick an area in your life where you’d like to create more positive change, such as feeling calm when publicly speaking.

Relax your mind, visualize going through the motions of the goal you want to achieve, and use positive self-affirmations in the present tense that support your goal.

For example, someone that wants to feel calmer when public speaking may visualize themselves approaching the podium with a smile of their face, speaking clearly and confidently to the crowd of people, while using positive self-affirmations such as “I am calm in this moment as I speak to the crowd. I speak to the crowd with a smile on my face. I enjoy communicating my vision to others. I love to provide value and I do this easily and effortlessly.” Remember to use positive words and to do it in the present tense.

Phew! That was a big and massive post!

Hit me up at if you have any more questions about these techniques.

Email me at so we can set you up a coaching call to get you the results YOU want out of LIFE!

Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness...Whatever it is you're struggling with, we can work together to help you get to your goals!

So email me at and we'll set up a coaching call!

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Peace Beast!

- Dr. Chris