How To Forgive

Have you ever heard this saying before?

“Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Anonymous

Whether you believe this is true or not, it’s hard to deny that holding grudges does have an impact on your emotional well-being.

Consider this…Have you ever been lying awake in bed at night thinking about how someone had betrayed you in some way?

It’s normal to have thoughts of how we would’ve liked things in the past to be different. It’s also normal to maybe even have thoughts of retribution towards the person that betrayed us.

However, there comes a time where we are not helping ourselves by holding these grudges and repetitively having these thoughts.

In today’s episode of Dr. Chris TV, I explore what forgiveness is, why it’s important, and how to go about a 10 step forgiveness process.

Click on the link below to watch the video!

Once you go through the 9 step forgiveness process, you may be pleasantly surprised to notice how much more freedom you’re going to feel in life. So, be sure to watch to the end of this video!

You always have the power to lead yourself to your Higher and Wiser Self. This begins with the moment to moment decisions you make in life.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Share in the comments section below about your own forgiveness process and what has been helpful for you. Also, how do you plan on using this information to go about your own forgiveness process.

Remember, there are thousands of incredible people that will see this video. Your story may be what someone needs to hear right now.

We’re all about positive support and creating community here at Dr. Chris, Life Solutions!

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Thank you, Family!

Dr. Chris