How to Overcome Envy

**Hey, honestly, tell me:

**How is it in a world of so much average,


Whatever it is, I'm gonna reward you right now with a kick ass article :)

**Have you ever wanted something that someone else has and felt torn up inside about it?

If so, then you’ve experienced feeling envious.

We can feel envious about almost anything. It can be anything from someone else’s appearance, how much money someone else makes, another person’s talents, or even harmonious relationships of people we know.

It’s normal to sometimes feel this way, but what does it mean? How can we not let it get to the best of us by ruining our lives?

The truth is, envy can negatively affect your life! I’ve seen people go into outbursts of anger and bouts of depression because envy hijacked their brain and behavior.

(You think Kanye West is envious of Adele's success? Maybe haha)

Envy is even one of the 7 Deadly Sins and has been viewed in many religions as an undesirable character trait!

“Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others He who envies others does not achieve peace.” – Buddha

Basically, if envy is allowed to live and fester inside of you, it becomes destructive.

Envy is also represented across many cultures by the color green.

I'm sure you've heard the expression “Green with Envy.”

The term green with envy came from Shakespeare. In the play Othello, the character Iago had what is called the “Green eyed monster” due to being envious. Therefore, Iago became green with envy.

The good news though…There’s two sides to the coin of envy. **You can tap into the energy that envy produces by letting it be a positive force in your life!

You see, I believe that **envy acts as a signal of important information telling us about our desires and who we want to be. The feeling acts like a compass, and tells us that there’s an unfulfilled part of who we are.

You don’t just have feelings of envy for anyone or anything. **You feel envy when it’s significant to you because you identify with what it is you feel envious about.

I'll admit, I was envious of the talents of other guitarists because that was important to my identity as a musician.

(I don't think he's playing enough guitars at the same time haha)

**Rather than letting those feelings lead me to feel bitter towards my musician friends, I practiced day in and day out!

I used the feelings of envy to guide my behavior in a productive way to further actualize my true potential as a guitarist and recorded some kick-ass albums with my band at the time.

Here are the areas in life where people are most likely to feel envious:

1) The Talents of Others: The talent has to be something that you are also working on. For example, I'm not envious of someone that's really great at juggling or gymnastics because I don't see those as part of my identity or what I practice doing. However, I'm more likely to feel envious of someone that plays guitar really well because I also identify as a guitarist and practice the guitar.

2) Envy Between Family Members: This occurs when there is favoritism for one family member over another family member. This is typically seen when there's sibling rivalry. This can be very destructive in the household!

3) Money: This is an obvious one. This is typically the case when there's someone close to you, they have similar characteristics as you, but for some reason they have more money. A person can see Bill Gates' wealth and not fester over his wealth because he is not close to him. However, if a close friend started making a lot of money, that will affect envy a lot more.

4) Other People's Romantic Relationships: Have you ever felt envious of the happy couple that's just laughing it up at a party? It's most likely because that's something you want for yourself. No worries, friend. Many people have been there before.

5) The Appearance of Others: I see this a lot of Instagram where people are envious of the appearance of others. The thought that's going through their mind is “Damn, I wish I looked like that.” This can cause a lot of frustration and pain if not dealt with. The worst case scenario would be for a person to be so overcome with envy of how another person looks that they do radical plastic surgery, develop depression or even an eating or body image disorder.

In the video link below, I explain to you ways you can overcome envy and how to turn those feelings into success!

Just click the link below to learn the strategies of turning your envy into productivity!

Thanks for reading this article. Send me your feedback and questions at We can even set up a coaching call to help you achieve your goals in life, whether it's in relationships, wealth, or health. I look forward to hearing from you soon :)

-Dr. Chris

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