What Pinocchio Can Teach You About Life!

(Please read this entire, very important message to you. It can potentially change your life)...

What’s up, homeslice!

You are looking fresher than Will Smith in the 90’s…

Fresher than sheets out from the laundry…

Fresher than green juice pouring out a Vitamix…

You get the point ;)

Read this article closely because the insight in it may reveal something about yourself that shocks you to the core and opens the doors in your mind…

Yesterday, I was walking by the Disney Store in downtown San Francisco, and through the front store window I saw a young boy playing with a stuffed Pinocchio doll.

As I watched him play innocently, a feeling of sadness grew over me.

You may ask, “Dr. Chris, why are you becoming all emotional over watching a kid play?”

The reason is that it would be tragic to see this boy, or anyone else for that matter, become and REMAIN A PUPPET in society.

(DON'T be this guy!!)

Many people in our society are living like puppets, controlled by God-damn forces outside of their awareness.

I’m not talking about supernatural forces…

I’m talking about the main stream media, public school system, chaotic households, and poisonous ideologies that keeps people’s minds imprisoned to

remain a puppet to them.

Fvck that noise!

The truth is, I care too fvcking much about the fate of people and the fate of our society.

You see, the story of Pinocchio is more than a cute fairy tale of a marionette puppet in Italy.

It goes deeper than that...It's is about you, the people you love, and our society

(get ready to go deeper down the rabbit hole, my friend)

Pinocchio’s father, Geppetto, wanted his puppet to become a real boy.

One night, life is given to his puppet by a fairy and Pinocchio asks her, “Am I a real boy?” the fairy replies “No Pinocchio. To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be entirely up to you. Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish and someday you’ll be a real boy.”

So Pinocchio goes about his journey and is met with temptations through the “easy road to success”: show business, fame, fortune, and even hot female puppets.

He becomes a trapped prisoner of this existence and nothing can free him but the truth, most importantly, the truth to himself (remember Pinocchio’s nose growing longer when he’d lie?)

Pinocchio finally had to save his father that was swallowed by a whale by entering himself into the belly of the beast.

The whale is a symbol of chaos and going inside its belly symbolizes confronting the darkness of ignorance.

After he saves his father, Pinocchio is resurrected and became a real boy because he broke through the shackles of ignorance to embrace his HIGHER SELF!



My mission in life is to help people reach their Higher and Wiser Self.

I don’t want people to remain as marionette puppets, being pulled at the strings of unknown forces, like Pinocchio was.

All I can do is provide the tools and it’s up to you whether to use them or reject it.

**Just like Pinocchio, it’s up to YOU to become self-actualized and take responsibility for your fate in life.

(Atta boy, Bart!!)

**NO ONE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU (think about that for a moment).

The first thing someone has to do is know what their mission in life is.

**Do you know what your big, throbbing, pulsating mission is?

I really hope so, and if not, that’s okay. I’ve been there before as well.

My PURPOSE in life is to help increase the Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness of 10,000,000 peoples lives!

I do this through my seminars, content I put online, and coaching.

If you need help finding and living by you HIGHER PURPOSE, email me at crizea11@gmail.com and we'll set up a coaching call to help you move in the right direction!

Remember to email me at crizea11@gmail.com so we can set up your coaching call for success!

**So charge forward and I'll catch you soon!

**To YOUR Success!

- Dr. Chris, America's Trusted Psychologist