Ideological positions in the US social-economic system

By ‘ideological position”, I mean “It is not the consciousness of people that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.” -Karl Marx (more here: )

I learned this chart of US ideological positions from people in SNCC (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)

Position Gender Capitalism Race
Dominant Male chauvinism Capital White chauvinism
Subordinate Subject of sexism Labor Subject of racism

Which of those conditions you were brought up in determines your consciousness. Since you most likely had two parents, you would be affected by the conditions presented to you by each of your parents. Whichever of your parents was the dominant influence on you would also dominantly determine your consciousness. The dominant parent would affect how you approach work, while the subordinate parent would affect how you act socially.

It is possible to change your ideology as determined by your upbringing, but it takes a conscious struggle and would be most effectively done with help with other people trying to make the same changes.

People can react against, as well as conform to, their ideological conditioning; especially in the subordinate poles of those polarities.

And that whole ideological system is shifting in response to current struggles.

The whole current woke-vs-anti-woke struggle is about anti-woke as a reactionary movement of mostly white men feeling left behind by what they call “cancel culture”, as in, they or somebody they know got canceled for their male or white chauvinism (or both).