Networking Concepts Self-Learning

#networking #dmx #portforwarding #UPnP #questions


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DMZ vs port-forwarding vs UPnP

DMZ: Demilitarized Zone


Step-By-Step of Port-Forwarding:

Sending request from source:

(1) connection req sent from device to router with details of device's IP address and an associated port for the request. The device is the host or source for the connection.

(2) Router then reads the request and maps the device's IP address and port with the router's public facing IP and a relevant port. This is stored in the Network Address Translation (NAT) table.

Response from destination: – destination makes a connection request back to router with the router IP address and a specific port – router checks NAT table for the specific IP address/port combo for an open connection – if found, request is passed to the device/port – once connection closes, entry on table is deleted

Port-Forwarding Usages:

Types of Port-Forwarding:__

UPnP: Universal Plug and Play

UPnP Risks:

From this:

UPnP exploitation can result in more than just the connection of an infected device. Here are just a few examples of the malicious actions that are possible with UPnP: