
Yesterday I wrote a blogpost about the fact that I haven't been writing in a long time. The fact that I haven't been writing as much as I thought I would have, once I opened a blog.

Was it a depressing, self-deprecating and illogical post? Yes.

Did I delete it? I just did.

One thing I want to retain from that medley of sad musings, tho, is the acknowledgement that one of the things I had been procrastinating was, ironically, the reading of an article on procrastination I had found out when looking for advices for procrastinators on reddit (so while actively procrastinating).

As it turns out, on this website, Wait But Why of which I knew nothing about (sorry), there's a small series on procrastination.*

In the first episode, Why procrastinators procrastinate, we get to know the characters who inhabit our brains. Well, our as in the procrastinators'. What is preventing us from doing what we have (or want to) do is the Instant Gratification Monkey which, when the time comes to get down to business, pulls us to the Dark Playground. This guy really did come out with the most appropriate names, didn't he?

The second episode, How to beat procrastination, gives some interesting tips on how to tackle the problem (and maybe, the monkey?), notably the summoning of the Panic Monster. How? By finding ways to keep yourself accountable, for exemple.

The third episode... well, I havent' read it, yet. (I'll still leave the link here)

Am I procrastinating this reading?


Mainly, I was feeling overwhelmed by all of the informations and by the realisation that I will have to face this.

Well, I'm giving this a try. To make myself accountable I have announced that, from now on (and to an undetermined date) I'll write a post everyday at 4pm. Even if it's just one line.

Help me out! 🙃

*Apparently my boyfriend already knew about this, so maybe I'm the only one who had been oblivious to it until now.