I think the EU has great potential.

I believe that people from different countries can learn from each other.

Especially about what they admire in other cultures. Or what they hate.

Exchange between countries is vital for each individual and for the collective.

Besides a different language that you may not speak, if you get deeper involved in a country, it's also the official rules and the administrative processes that hold you back from living freely. That make changing the country of your residence a lengthy and often painful process.

But imagine the basic rules for everything and everyone were the same in many countries, wouldn't that be much simpler?

And isn't that in part what the EU is doing? Creating equal rules for everyone? 1 (inside the EU) 2 (except animals)

Now, this is a lot of concentrated power, you may say, and I agree: yes, the EU has great potential.

But we must assure that it is founded both on rational objectives and reasoning as well as on all our conscience and intuition.

How good we are so far scoring in this, I don't fully know. You tell me. What do you think?

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