This Woman – Part 3

So... I've written a decent bit about this woman I can't get out of my head. Which, by the way, also relates to the title of a great six part documentary by Adam Curtis.

Anyway, we're here for part 3 of my exploration into consciousness and its weirdness that I try to uncover with the help of strong connections and emotions.

What happened was that after more than six months of radio silence I sent a message to this woman last night, asking her how she's doing and how her life is going.

I felt like this would be a legitimate question, that I had maybe not a right to know the answer, but at least a right to ask that question. I felt comfortable asking, without any fear of not getting an answer.

After now 12 hours I still don't have an answer and I don't expect to get one soon, but what happened just three hours after I sent that message surprised me.

Another woman, to be exact the woman who I credit for putting me into the state of mind which let me to meet this woman I still can't get out of my head three years ago, answered a message I had sent her five weeks ago.

What is the explanation for that?

If you have a hint, you can just shoot me an email to: (Yep, morte male is italian and means bad death.)