Short introduction to the Web Monetization API

We had an online Tech Briefing for Mozilla Tech Speakers held a week ago, and I think it was the first time I was on the other side of the fence – presenting.

The opportunity appeared almost out of nowhere, but I was happy and excited to do it. Out of the one hour long session my part took no more than 15 minutes, so it was closer to being a lightning talk than a full one, but I think I delivered the core content I wanted.

I wasn't going to share the video, I even forgot it was recorded. I know there are many imperfections, but since I'm trying to convice myself I need to start publishing more video content, I finally decided to go with it. You can watch the recording on YouTube or Cinnamon (or check the embedded one below).

It was a good opportunity to revive Enclave Games' YouTube channel, enable monetization through Coil, and also start posting on Cinnamon Video. It's not much, but I hope it's the first step of this long and interesting journey!