

Edith Eva Eger

i am not much of a fan of the hype around Edith Eva Eger, her publisher has certainly earned their commission but a narrative about a person who survived mauthausen, auschwitz and josef mengele that includes the sentence “On May 4, 1945 a young American soldier noticed her hand moving slightly amongst a number of dead bodies.” is going to make you sit up and take notice, that is for sure.

now a world famous, i.e. on the opra winfrey show famous, psychotherapist and author of self-help books of the you-can-choose-to-change-yor-life-today variety, she does say a thing i like which is, 'expression is the opposite of depression.'

now all you and i have to do is to agree which form of expression and hey bingo. i would say, conversations and writing work for me, but you may say something different.


the queen is dead ...

and we shall have her for breakfast.

for four thousand euros you can trip with this psychiatrist oops i mean a truffle programme. you can choose from EVOLVE, REBIRTH, TRANSCEND of RECONNECT (couples only).

optional extra : the trip app

link to pdf of article in het parool — in dutch.

oops just discoverd linda barry.

down the rabbithole...!

when the fab four were ... well just fab!


I rather liked this piece from de Volkskrant by Ianthe Sahadat (in Dutch) about the problem of answering the question, how is it going? (‘Hoe gaat het’?)

The illustrations by Claudie de Cleen are priceless, not the least of which is this one, which deserves to be seen in all its glory but failing that, here is a higher resolution digital version.