High-tech, product engineering & environmental health HIGH-TECH, PRODUCT ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: flash record by tomek quatl-pietrzak environment// high-tech @quatlwork << thomasquatl@ High technology, often abbreviated to high tech. It is technology that is at the cutting edge: the most advanced technology available. how it works and how is constructed, it depends on augmented destiny & growth engineering. Developing products & gadgets that are eco-friendly and useful is hope for. Which material used for, it’s key idea. Process of components production is balance between aims and perspectives. Engineering high-tech, is branch concerned of design, build, machines, structures and use. Design and build for structural machine in horizontal dimension is our issue. We classified advanced sectors according to intensity and finished product to few .i.e engineering, automotive, architecture, automation high-tech, audio, telecomunications, aerospace, intuitive technologies (nano, bio& medical, robotics, elecromagnetics, artifical etc. High-tech architecture & constructions, also known as structural expressionism, incorporate elements of high-tech industry and technology into building & constructions design. watchwords< new tech/ industry/ production/ LIFE SCIENCE electronics/automates/start-up In nowadays, high-tech& eco-friendly solutions are important as environmental health [EH]. It is the branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. Health is the science, practice, and study of a standards of life and the health condition and preventing illnesses and human injuries. based on two-year work<<0519 conditions of use. available creative commons.