Choose the best wedding photographer.

The photographer has always been considered a respected person, able to stop time and grab interesting moments from people's lives, perpetuating them on film.

A good photo shoot is not cheap. Although, if you search, in social networks you can find offers cheaper and almost at a symbolic cost. But an organized photo shoot can turn into colorful pictures, as well as a spoiled mood, exhausted nerves and wasted money.

Wedding photos are the first shots in a family album , something that begins the story of the family. Wedding photography has three authors – a groom, a bride and a photographer. Given that newlyweds, as a rule, do not have the skills to work as photomodels and do not know how to pose, a wedding photographer needs to be a director, teacher and psychologist all rolled into one. In addition, he also needs to be an excellent reporter, because a wedding doesn’t have takes. And to keep the wedding excitement, joy, tenderness and awe – there is only one chance.

The reporting part of wedding photography is a creative process, the purpose of which is to identify and capture interesting moments, not directed by the photographer, but arising spontaneously, and therefore especially valuable.

The traditional part sometimes implies staged shooting with prepared decorations and lighting. Newlyweds need to be captured so that their photo shoot does not merge with thousands of other couples. And the best addition to the wedding photo shoot will be a colorfully designed photo book: the first entry in family history.

Getting ready for the wedding? Or maybe you are looking forward to a career as a wedding photographer? Take a look at the section of the same name, look at the wedding photos of these wedding photography master.