Landing page!

Even though the term landing page is not new to me, it is today that I understood what it is & specific purpose we have it. It is a webpage with the objective of converting visitors of a website into leads.

I am listing out mandatory components of a good landing page(based on the inputs from my team & from some material I read)

  1. A concise, offering-focussed headline: Visitor should understand what’s in it for them within seconds of arriving
  2. An image that represents the target audience: It should illustrate how a visitor will feel once they receive the offering offer
  3. A clear call to action button (form link embedded) that stands out within the page: Clearly inform what you want visitors to do
  4. The description needs to be clear and concise: Guide the visitor to take the action you want
  5. Crisp testimonials that act as social proofs: Social proof is an effective persuasion technique to ensure desired actions

Few best practices to ensure the best results