Value-based pricing for SaaS products

In this article, I try to throw light on how SaaS companies can maximize their revenue by following value-based pricing. Before I delve into the pricing of SaaS product, let me start off with -

Factors that are considered to price of any product

  1. The economic value of the product: The price of the product should not be more than the economic gain to the customer
  2. The total cost of delivering the product: The price of the product should not less than the unit cost of delivering the product
  3. Competition Pricing: The price of the product should not be higher than the price of a competitive product. Demanding a higher price should be by delivering more value
  4. Customers willingness to pay: Customer should be willing to pay the price

One or more of the factors might be less important for certain products & hence we should make the decision for the type of product.

Pricing of SaaS products

When we look at early-stage SaaS companies, pricing is an important lever which the founders pay the least attention to & as a result, they generally end up underpricing their products; due to the fear of losing customers.

Then what should be the approach to maximize revenue? - Price for the customer. 

SaaS products do not work like commodities & the value the product gives each customer is different, which means that there is case for customer-based differential pricing.

How do we apply the above pricing framework to a SaaS context — Should add examples

I hope this content is useful. Do let me know your feedback through the comments section.