
Tonight I woke up at 11 PM, I thought it was morning.

I had a strange dream. A dream where two of my pets jumped over a small river located next to my house (in a dream). They jumped away and came back, so on, many times.

I can only stare at them from the window of my room with full anxiety they will leave me. At the end of my dream, they returned to the house and my anxiety vanished..

I woke up looking for the meaning of a dream; jump over a small river. The meaning of the dream was, in my opinion, quite good. A small river is defined as a problem in a living situation, if we dare to jump over it, it means we are confident enough to face the problem.

But as you read before, the one jumping over the small river is my pet.

Do they intend to give me lead to confidently face my situation and my problems now?

Should I also go out from the house and jump over the river with them in my dream?